MathGroup Archive 2004

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listplot and plot of the same function display in different scale...

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg51617] listplot and plot of the same function display in different scale...
  • From: sean kim <sean_incali at>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 01:54:41 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: sean_incali at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hello group, 

let's say you want to take a few points from an
interploating function and ListPlot it. and then show
it together with the graph object from Plot. 


solution = NDSolve[{y'[t] == -y[t], y[0] == 1}, {y},
{t, 0, 7}];

g0 = Plot[Evaluate[y[t] /. solution], {t, 0, 7},
DisplayFunction -> Identity];
g1 = ListPlot[Flatten[Table[Evaluate[y[t]/.solution],
{t, 0, 7, 0.05}]],PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.015],
DisplayFunction -> Identity];

Show[g0, g1, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction]

will show two plots in one graph, but plots have their
own axis scale. the Plot[] object seems to be shrunk
in scales due to ListPlot[] object having more points.
(due to being tabled)

How do i fix this so that both Plot have same axis
scales? ( I want to show dots from ListPlot to overlay
on top of Plot graph. )

Thanks in advance for any insights. 


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