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Re: GuiKit & GraphEdit

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg50689] Re: [mg50663] GuiKit & GraphEdit
  • From: Jeff Adams <jeffa at>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 01:15:56 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Sep 15, 2004, at 6:54 AM, Wishmaster7 wrote:

> hello.
> I am using the GraphEdit tool from Wolfram's GuiKit add-on, and I
> would like to change the code, for example add action listeners,
> change the size of the squares, change the value of the arcs, ...
> My question is : in which file(s) is the code to change??
> The file "GraphEditor.m" contains the code of the application, calling
> "GraphPanel.m" for the graphic panel. But in none of these files there
> is a code for the graphic items.
> Is there in one of these path where is the code?
> class:com.wolfram.guikit.graph.ExprAccessibleGraphPane
> class:com.wolfram.guikit.graph.DefaultGraphController
> class:com.wolfram.guikit.graph.DefaultGraphModel
> These are widgets called in "GraphPanel.m", but I dont have such
> files. Is it possible to get these files and do some changes?
> I thank a lot everyone who can help me.


At this time the underlying implementation classes for the GraphEdit example
are not all exposed as top level widgets, but it is technically possible to change
some of these characteristics if you have some knowledge of Java and
the underlying classes.  You could, with some Java programming, extend some of the 
implementation classes as the source code for all the com.wolfram.guikit.graph.*
Java classes are provided in the distribution within the Java jar located at
GUIKit/Java-Alternatives/GUIKit-src.jar in the distribution.

Jeff Adams
Wolfram Research

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