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Re: Format[ ] with \[OverBracket] in a package `Private` context

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg56471] Re: Format[ ] with \[OverBracket] in a package `Private` context
  • From: Maxim <ab_def at>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 01:34:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <d4hvn9$1io$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 05:37:45 +0000 (UTC), Trevor Baca  
<trevorbaca at> wrote:

> hello mathgroup,
> my goal is to format foo[_List] objects with an overscripted
> \[OverBracket], and then shove this bit of code into a package for
> later access. this does the trick in a notebook session:
> Format[foo[l_List]] := Overscript[RowBox[l], \[OverBracket]] //
> DisplayForm;
> the interpreter now outputs foo[{2,3,4,5}] as 1 2 3 4 with a lovely
> overbracket stretching across the top. so far so good. now the hard
> part: shoving this bit of code into a package without context issues
> getting in the way.
> (three example packages follow; feel free to skip to the section marked
> "CONCLUSION" at the bottom for the actual question.)
> ==== PROBLEM PACKAGE =================
>   BeginPackage["Foo`"]
>   foo::usage="foo objects print with overbracket.";
>   Begin["`Private`"]
>   Format[foo[e_]]:=Overscript[RowBox[e],\[OverBracket]]//DisplayForm
>   End[]
>   EndPackage[]
> ==== end problem package ================
> with the problem package, i interpret the following three commands:
>   Quit[ ]  (* to clear out any previous definitions in any contexts *)
>   << Foo`
>   foo[{2,3,4,5}]
> ... and, unfotunately, foo[{2,3,4,5}] prints as 2 3 4 5 with the ugly
> label Foo`Private`\[OverBracket] running across the top. not at all
> what i wanted. first solution:
> ==== SOLUTION PACKAGE 1: use System` context ==========
>   BeginPackage["Foo`"]
>   foo::usage="foo objects print with overbracket.";
>   Begin["`Private`"]
>   Begin["System`"]
>   \[OverBracket]
>   End[]
>   Format[foo[e_]]:=Overscript[RowBox[e],\[OverBracket]]//DisplayForm
>   End[]
>   EndPackage[]
> ==== end solution package 1 =======================
> with solution package 1, i again interpret the following three
> commands:
>   Quit[ ]  (* to clear out any previous definitions in any contexts *)
>   << Foo`
>   foo[{2,3,4,5}]
> ... and this works: foo[{2,3,4,5}] now prints as 2 3 4 5 with the
> overbracket running across the top, as desired. but i've introduced the
> OverBracket symbol into the System` context directly; and is this a
> generally bad practice? fearing that it might be, i build this second
> solution:
> ==== SOLUTION PACKAGE 2: use Foo` context ==========
>   BeginPackage["Foo`"]
>   foo::usage="foo objects print with overbracket.";
>   \[OverBracket]
>   Begin["`Private`"]
>   Format[foo[e_]]:=Overscript[RowBox[e],\[OverBracket]]//DisplayForm
>   End[]
>   EndPackage[]
> ==== end solution package 2 =====================
> with solution package 2, i interpret the following three commands one
> last time:
>   Quit[ ]  (* to clear out any previous definitions in any contexts *)
>   << Foo`
>   foo[{2,3,4,5}]
> ... and this, too, works fine: foo[{2,3,4,5}] prints as 2 3 4 5 with
> the requested overbracket. unfortunately, the OverBracket symbol now
> lives in Foo`\[OverBracket], which somehow seems wrong to me, and
> further seems to violate the spirit of the purpose of the public
> section of a package ... introduce symbols "for export".
> CONCLUSION: so is it better to stick the OverBracket symbol into the
> System` context (as in solution package 1), or to stick the OverBracket
> symbol into the Foo` context (as in solution package 2), or to do
> something else entirely?
> (i strongly prefer solution 1 (using the System` context) because it
> seems bizarre to me that the OverBracket symbol doesn't already exist
> in the System` context, so why not remedy the situation? on the other
> hand, i could be convinced that messing with the System` context is as
> bad an idea as messing with most reserved namespaces, hence solution 2.
> but what i don't like about solution 2 is that after loading the
> package, Names["Foo`*"] will give you both "foo" (which is good) and
> "\[OverBracket]" (which just seems wrong)).
> anything to help make the decision or clean this up?
> trevor.

It seems that symbols such as \[OverBracket] are created when they're used  
for the first time, and they obey the usual rules: first search the  
current context and $ContextPath for that symbol, and if it is not found,  
create it in the current context. Therefore, they always have the full  
name such as Global`\[OverBracket], but if their context is in the  
$ContextPath or is the same as the current context, then the context  
prefix is not shown. That is what happens in your examples: if you put the  
symbol in System` or in Foo`, then the context name is omitted, but  
Foo`Private`\[OverBracket] can be accessed only by its full name.

You are correct that the simplest way seems to be just to put  
\[OverBracket] in the System` context by evaluating  
(System`\[OverBracket];) once, after which you can reference  
\[OverBracket] by the short name -- it will automatically be found in the  
System` context, which is still in $ContextPath within  
BeginPackage/EndPackage. Alternatively, you could reference the symbol as  
Global`\[OverBracket] every time it is used inside the package.

A subtle point is that if you enter f + Ctrl-^ + Escape + ' + Escape to  
enter f' (with the \[Prime] symbol as Superscript) and evaluate it, the  
expression will be interpreted as Derivative[1][f] and the symbol  
Global`\[Prime] won't be created, but if you just evaluate Escape + `  
+ Escape, then the symbol will be created. I'm not sure how to state this  
rule in an exact way, but in any case it doesn't affect your case.

Also I can't understand why with the definition

Format[foo[l_List]] := Overscript[RowBox[l], \[OverBracket]] //

foo[Table[i, {i, 3}]] and foo[Range[3]] are displayed differently -- in  
the second case the output will contain an explicit RowBox.

Here's another way to define the same formatting rule:

MakeBoxes[foo[L_List], form_] :=
       Function[b, MakeBoxes[b, form], HoldFirst] /@
         Unevaluated@ L],

This will correctly display expressions such as

foo[{EllipticE[0], EllipticE[1]}] // TraditionalForm // HoldForm.

Maxim Rytin
m.r at

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