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Re: GoTo between different cell

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg59440] Re: GoTo between different cell
  • From: "Jens-Peer Kuska" <kuska at>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 02:55:24 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Uni Leipzig
  • References: <dd9ngj$j2h$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


you can make a *.m file with all your 
spagetti-code, enclose it into
a Block[] and obfuscate you code with Goto[] and 

You have to use a ASCII editor to edit the *.m 
file and the coloring
problem is the Problem of your favorite 

BTW the common way to programm in a functional 
language like
Mathematica is to make many many very short 
functions, every
single one easy to debug and to test, not longer 
than 15--20 lines.

Have fun with your Goto-enhanced spagetti-code
 & Regards

"Ramiro dell'Erba" <dellerba at> 
schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:dd9ngj$j2h$1 at
| Dear Mathematica Gurus,
| I have the following problem: working with 
repetitive operations I often
| use the Do expression. Unfortunately the number 
of lines inside the Do are
| growing (page and page) giving me a lot of 
notebook troubles (If I use
| different colour and font the cell stop to 
work!) and difficulties to
| follow the procedure in debugging phase (I need 
a lot of flags to check if
| all is going good).
| Therefore, also if it seems a quite prehistoric 
idea, I want to break my
| computation in many cells and to back N times to 
a certain cell to evaluate
| them, something like the GoTo function but 
between different cell (perhaps
| tagged).
| I know that sounds quite old but it is what I 
| Thank you in advance to everybody.
| Ramiro
| PhD. Ramiro dell'Erba,
| Lab address:  ENEA  CR Casaccia
| ENEA - Nuclear Fusion Division, Robotic Section
| Edificio F65  Via Anguillarese 301, Roma 00060 
| Sacco Postale 088
| Tel. 0039-06-30486128
| Fax 0039-06-30486038
| E-mail: dellerba at
| URL:
| Home address: Parco Comola Ricci, 39  Napoli 
80122  Italy
| Tel. 0039-081-7691954
| Handy:Tel. 0039-347-5041920
| E-mail home:dellerba2 at 

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