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Re: Mathematical Modeling Problem II

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg59562] Re: [mg59523] Mathematical Modeling Problem II
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 00:09:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Why not just use Line[{{x,y1},{x,y2}}]?

You have not given us enough information about what else you wish to include
in your plot. If you had a list of data points you could use...

{Point /@ datapoints,
PlotLabel -> "My data points",
ImageSize -> 450]

If you are trying to combine this with a curve, you could put the points and
Line in an Epilog or Prolog option.

Epilog -> {Point /@ datapoints,Line[{{x,y1},{x,y2}}]},
PlotLabel -> "My data points",
ImageSize -> 450]

Assuming that it's not just that you were unaware of the Line primitive,
this might be another case where the normal Mathematica graphics paradigm is
confusing to users, especially new users. Why can't one just draw one thing
after another as one would do on a piece of paper? With the DrawGraphics
package from my web site, that's exactly what you can do. The above
statement would be...

{Draw[Sin[x],{x,0,2Pi}], (* draw a curve *)
 Point /@ datapoints,    (* add the data points *)
 Line[{{x,y1},{x,y2}}]   (* draw the line *)},
PlotLabel -> "My data points",
ImageSize -> 450]

and you could add other types of curves produced by other plot routines such
as ParametricDraw or ImplicitDraw or graphics directives such as colors or

David Park
djmp at

From: Sycamor at [mailto:Sycamor at]
To: mathgroup at

Hello.  I am a high school student working on a summer research project
at a local university.  My task is to model a certain physical
situations using Mathematica.  I am still ignorant of the programs
profound, and not-so-profound secrets.  At the moment, I find myself
unable to plot a vertical line.  How does one create a vertical line
and show that line on the same axes as a set of data points?  Ideally,
I would also like to keep the vertical scale the same.

In my quest for a vertical line, I have tried using very steep curves,
and using the ImplicitPlot package.  I expect I am missing something
very obvious.

Thank you very much,

Peter Hedman

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