Re: Mathematical Modeling Problem II
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg59556] Re: [mg59523] Mathematical Modeling Problem II
- From: Murray Eisenberg <murray at>
- Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 00:08:25 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: Mathematics & Statistics, Univ. of Mass./Amherst
- References: <>
- Reply-to: murray at
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Adding graphics "primitives" such as lines, circles, polygons, etc., is readily accomplished using the built-in Epilog (or Prolog) option to Plot. But I heartily recommend a somewhat smoother, more intuitive, way to do this, by using David Park's DrawGraphics package. This free add-on may be downloaded from: (Scroll down about 2/3 of the way to find "The DrawGraphics Paradigm" there.) Here's the sort of thing you wanted, using Park's package: Needs["DrawGraphics`DrawingMaster`"] Draw2D[{EnglishRed, Draw[Exp[-x], {x, 0, 2}], Peacock, Thickness[0.01], Line[{{1, 0}, {1, 1}}] }, Axes -> True]; Here's the same thing but using only built-in objects and one of the Standard AddOn packages that ships with Mathematica: Needs["Graphics`Colors`"] Plot[Exp[-x], {x, 0, 2}, PlotStyle -> CadmiumOrange, Epilog -> {Turquoise, Thickness[0.01], Line[{{1, 0}, {1, 1}}]}]; The advantage of this latter approach is that you do not have to learn the syntax of any new add-on package. The advantage of Park's DrawGraphics approach is that both Plot-like objects (the "Draw" object above) and graphics primitives are treated uniformly. Sycamor at wrote: > Hello. I am a high school student working on a summer research project > at a local university. My task is to model a certain physical > situations using Mathematica. I am still ignorant of the programs > profound, and not-so-profound secrets. At the moment, I find myself > unable to plot a vertical line. How does one create a vertical line > and show that line on the same axes as a set of data points? Ideally, > I would also like to keep the vertical scale the same. > > In my quest for a vertical line, I have tried using very steep curves, > and using the ImplicitPlot package. I expect I am missing something > very obvious. > > Thank you very much, > > Peter Hedman > > -- Murray Eisenberg murray at Mathematics & Statistics Dept. Lederle Graduate Research Tower phone 413 549-1020 (H) University of Massachusetts 413 545-2859 (W) 710 North Pleasant Street fax 413 545-1801 Amherst, MA 01003-9305