Re: Derivative of InterpolatingFunction
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg59754] Re: Derivative of InterpolatingFunction
- From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
- Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 03:13:42 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <de46fi$r4f$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
pdickof at wrote: > I wish to compute gradients of three-dimensional interpolating > functions. The browser entry for InterpolatingFunction claims taking > derivatives is possible and does not mention limitations in the > dimensionality. My naive attempts based on the example for gradients in > the browser entry for D have failed even for two dimensions: > > data = Table[x^2 Sin[ y], {x, -2., 2.}, {y, -2., 2.}]; > approx = ListInterpolation[data, {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}}]; > approxGradient = D[approx[x, y], {{x, y}, 1}] > approxGradient[1, 1] > > Searching this newsgroup, the closest thing I have found is the 1996 > post by Paul Abbot (extract below). Have "enhancements for higher > dimensions" been incorporated? > > Peter Dickof > +-------------------------- > In The Mathematica Journal 4(2):31 the following appears: > > Partial Derivatives > > > Presently, Mathematica cannot handle partial derivatives of > InterpolatingFunctions. The package DInterpolatingFunction.m, provided > by Hon Wah Tam (t... at and included in the electronic > supplement, computes partial derivatives of two-dimensional > InterpolatingFunctions. Enhancements for higher dimensions will > eventually be incorporated into Mathematica. > +---------------------------------- > Hi Peter, your _list_ approxGradient contains two _calls_ to functions. 1.) it doesn't make sense to try a function call {<something>}[1,1]. 2.) trying to apply an already applied function f[x][1] is meaningful, iff f[x] _returns_ a function. you propably want approxGradient/.{x->1,y->1} Peter -- Peter Pein Berlin