Hinton diagrams
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg63052] Hinton diagrams
- From: hans.sjunnesson at gmail.com
- Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 22:25:26 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com
I have created a neural network using the Fast Artificial Neural Networks package for Mathematica. In the end the weights of the finished network is represented thusly: {{1, 8, -0.0354672}, {2, 8, 0.719431}, {3, 8, 0.538668}, {4, 8, 0.617062}, {5, 8, 2.69463}, {6, 8, 1.32144}, {7, 8, -0.386639}, {1, 9, 1.03297}, {2, 9, 0.655591}, {3, 9, 0.806346}, {4, 9, 0.632072}, {5, 9, 0.55292}, {6, 9, 0.599058}, {7, 9, 1.0424}, {1, 10, -1.64471}, {2, 10, 2.62318}, {3, 10, 1.51706}, {4, 10, 1.68971}, {5, 10, 0.899632}, {6, 10, -1.15408}, { 7, 10, -0.157527}, {1, 11, -0.186235}, {2, 11, 1.39747}, {3, 11, 1.89406}, { 4, 11, -0.434147}, {5, 11, -1.88703}, {6, 11, 2.23624}, {7, 11, -3.17978}, {8, 13, 1.83855}, {9, 13, -0.912118}, { 10, 13, 4.37321}, {11, 13, 3.82373}, {12, 13, -5.73714}} I looks quite messy, but it's fairly simple - the weight of the connection from unit 1 to unit 8 is -0.0354672, the connection from 2 to 8 is 0.719431 and so forth. Units 1 to 7 represents the first layer, units 8 to 12 the hidden middle layer and unit 13 is the single output layer. A Hinton diagram is a matrix of squares. The squares' size represents the magnitude of the weight, and the color is the weight's sign. There's a screenshot here http://www.nd.com/products/nsv30/hinton.htm I would like to create two Hinton diagrams from this data. One for the weights from the first to the second layer, and one for the weights from the second to the third layer. Has anyone done something similar, or can propose a solution to this? I'd very much appreciate it.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Hinton diagrams
- From: Sseziwa Mukasa <mukasa@jeol.com>
- Re: Hinton diagrams