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Re: Re: my mathematica no longer renders graphics, even after reinstall

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54547] Re: [mg54484] Re: my mathematica no longer renders graphics, even after reinstall
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 04:25:30 -0500 (EST)
  • Reply-to: jfultz at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In Kennedy's case, this is almost certainly caused by the addition of the 
second monitor.  Specifically, in some versions of Mathematica, graphics do 
not work if there are multiple monitors connected to the computer *and* the 
monitors are not all set to the same color depth.

So, fixing the problem is generally pretty easy...simply go to the Display 
control panel, and make sure that all monitors agree on the "Color Quality" 
setting in the Settings tab.

If you don't have multiple monitors, this could also be caused by running 
NetMeeting.  NetMeeting works by creating a second virtual monitor which 
runs at 16 bit color depth.  Quitting NetMeeting or setting your main 
monitor to 16 bit color depth will fix that problem as well.

This issue has been fixed in recent versions of Mathematica (I can't 
remember exactly when, but I'm pretty sure since at least 5.0.1).


John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 03:44:53 -0500 (EST), kennedy at wrote:
> This message unfortunately offers no remedy to your problem, but I just
> wanted to let you know that I'm witnessing the exact same behavior. It
> started several months ago and I have no idea what caused it. Graphing
> is one of the main uses of Mathematica for me so I'd very much like to
> find a solution.
> The only change to my system I can think of that might be related to
> the rendering glitch is that I recently hooked up a second monitor. Not
> sure if this change coincided with the breaking of Mathematica though.
> I sent a message to Mathematica support but all I got back was a form
> letter. Thanks for any information you gather about this bug.
> Regards,
> Kennedy
> Julius Su wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> While editing a notebook, my Mathematica abruptly stopped rendering
>> graphics, instead flashing "Rendering ..." on the window's titlebar
> off
>> and on indefinitely.
>> How I've tried to fix it:
>> -- Restarting Mathematica doesn't help.
>> -- Reinstalling Mathematica (same version, 4.2) doesn't help.
>> -- Using <<RealTime3D` does allow it to properly render surface
>> graphics, but 2D graphics is still broken.  Switching back to
>> <<Default3D` reverts to the old problem.
>> -- Copying and pasting the seemingly empty cell to an external
> bitmap
>> display program (Paint Shop Pro) showed the intended graphics.
>> Copying/pasting the cell to another Mathematica window did not.
>> Could anyone help me?  Has anyone run into the same problem?  My
>> computer has been running fine, I've checked it exhaustively for
>> spyware and any other external programs known to cause glitches.
>> Thanks,
>> Julius

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