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Take 2: MultipleListPlot MakeSymbol Issue

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg53458] Take 2: MultipleListPlot MakeSymbol Issue
  • From: Pennyrue at
  • Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 03:41:39 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I see that I was a bit unclear about what I was wanting to do the first time,
so here is the code that will help explain:


points1 := start1 + (p - 1)*(end1 - start1)/(segments1 - 1); 
points2 := start2 + (p - 1)*(end2 - start2)/(segments2 - 1); 

x1 := Sin[c1a*points1]; 
y1 := Cos[c1b*points1]; 

x2 := Sin[c2a*points2]; 
y2 := Cos[c2b*points2]; 

t1 := Table[{x1, y1}, {p, segments1}]; 
t2 := Table[{x2, y2}, {p, segments2}]; 

start1 := 0; 
end1 := 2\[Pi]; 
segments1 := 500; 
c1a := 1; 
c1b := -4; 

start2 := 0; 
end2 := 2\[Pi]; 
segments2 := 49; 
c2a := -2; 
c2b := 1; 

gt1 := ListPlot[t1, Axes -> None, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotJoined -> True, 
      DisplayFunction -> Identity]; 
gt2 := ListPlot[t2, Axes -> None, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotJoined -> True, 
      DisplayFunction -> Identity]; 
gt3 := MultipleListPlot[t2, SymbolShape -> MakeSymbol[Line[15*t1]], 
      Axes -> None, PlotRange -> {{-1.25, 1.25}, {-1.25, 1.25}}, 
      AspectRatio -> 1, DisplayFunction -> Identity]; 

Show[GraphicsArray[{{gt1, gt2}}], ImageSize -> {96, 96}]; 
Show[GraphicsArray[{{gt3}}], ImageSize -> {384, 384}]; 


I would like for the W curve to follow the tangent of the 8 curve, instead
of having the same orientation all the way around.

I'm using Mathematica 4.1 if that is significant.

Thanks again,

Dimitri Vorkapich
pennyrue at

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