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Re: Rearranging a data array containing calendrical as well as data entries.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg54872] Re: Rearranging a data array containing calendrical as well as data entries.
  • From: "Michel, Hans J.I." <HMiche at LSUHSC.EDU>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 05:08:10 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Here's my take. You will need Mathematica version 5.1 and up, using one new
function StringSplit. The Calendar package takes care of all your date needs
(Leap year etc). The key function is FindList and the key search pattern is
findwhattext. With these two things you get the range of text you need from
your flow.dat file. The rest is clean up, and date logic.

I leave the final output up to the user. MatrixForm is good enough for me. I
leave error checking up to the user; i.e., Integer checking, start date less
than end date, that the file is there, and that the date range is in the
file. So this solution assumes you know what is in the file and that it
follows said format.

<< Miscellaneous`Calendar`

parseUSGSData[{year1_, month1_, day1_}, {year2_, month2_, day2_},
datafileName_] := Module[
	{days, datelist, findwhattext, fromfile, returnList, repstr},
	days = DaysBetween[{year1, month1, day1}, {year2, month2, day2}];
	datelist = Table[DaysPlus[{year1, month1, day1}, i], {i, 0, days}];
	findwhattext = Map[StringJoin, Map[ToString, Union[Drop[datelist,
{}, {3}]], {2}] /. {"1" -> " 1", "2" -> " 2", "3" -> " 3", "4" -> " 4", "5"
-> " 5", "6" ->  " 6", "7" -> " 7", "8" -> " 8", "9" -> " 9"}, {1}];
	repstr = Outer[StringJoin, findwhattext, {" 1 ", " 2 ", " 3 ", " 4
	fromfile = FindList[datafileName, findwhattext];
	returnList = Take[Drop[Flatten[StringSplit[StringReplace[fromfile,
repstr -> ""]]], If[day1 > 1, (day1 - 1), 0]], days + 1 ];
    	Table[{datelist[[i]], returnList[[i]]}, {i, (days + 1)}]

parseUSGSData[{1998, 9, 2}, {1998, 9, 30}, "C:\\flow.dat"]

% //MatrixForm

Hans Michel

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