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Re: FilledPlot: Curves->Back option and Epilog not working?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg56910] Re: [mg56861] FilledPlot: Curves->Back option and Epilog not working?
  • From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
  • Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 03:42:12 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>-----Original Message-----
>From: AES [mailto:siegman at] 
To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 8:10 AM
>Subject: [mg56910] [mg56861] FilledPlot: Curves->Back option and Epilog 
>not working?
>I have a module that makes a filled plot.  I use it to make two (or 
>more) displaced filled plots, then Show these plots (code below).  
>Everything works as expected, with two problems:
>*  The Curves->Back option never works.
>*  An additional line generated by an Epilog in the module 
>only appears 
>in the final test plot.
>I'm beginning to realize that when multiple plots each having 
>an Epilog 
>are combined using Show or DisplayTogether, only the *final* 
>Epilog gets 
>executed.  Throwing in "Evaluates" at various stages in the process 
>doesn't seem to get around this.  
>If this is true, maybe the description of Epilog in the online Help 
>should say this?  (Especially since it seems an intuitively 
>way for Epilog to behave -- shouldn't the stuff created by Epilog in a 
>Plot command become part of the plot once the plot command has been 
>I don't have a clue why Curves->Back doesn't work anywhere or any way 
>I've tried it (including changing Front to Back in the online Help 
>wavePlot[<args>] := Module[{},      
>      <expressions>, 
>      FilledPlot[ <plot stuff> ,
>            Curves -> Back,        
>            Epilog -> {Line[ <line stuff> ]},
>            DisplayFunction -> Identity]];
><set all the args>;
>testPlot1 = wavePlot[ <args> ];
><reset all the args>;
>testPlot2 = wavePlot[ <args> ];
>Show[testPlot1, testPlot2,   
>         DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction,   
>         PlotRange -> All];

As I'm missing your stuff, I can't give you constructive advice. There
is an example for option Curves -> Front (Back is the default) which
works with me.

Now Show will only treat its own options, special options for FilledPlot
will have been incorporated in the resulting graphics; combining those
does not give the results you might have in mind.

As with treatment of the graphical options by Show: that takes the
option from the first graphics only (own options added), such Epilog is
taken from testPlot1 (if not overridden by an Epilog for Show).

All this behaviour is a consequence of the design of the Mathematica
rendering engine. Filling Plots is not covered, hence the AddOn.  If you
want to combine special effects you have to do that within one single
FilledPlot.  Perhaps you might like to write a simple program that
combines your <stuff> according to your wishes.

Hartmut Wolf

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