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Re: MultipleListPlot and Log-List plots

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg57270] Re: [mg57254] MultipleListPlot and Log-List plots
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 02:20:38 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


One way to handle this is to convert your data to log values for x, then
plot with MultipleListPlot and then use a LogScale for the frame edge. There
are other more fancy ways if you want to add fitted curves. I don't think
you want the first data point at x = 0, because you can't fit that on a log


data =
    {{{0., 1}, ErrorBar[{0., 0.}]}, {{0.13, 0.899147},
        ErrorBar[{-0.0158522, 0.0158522}]}, {{0.37, 0.585022},
        ErrorBar[{-0.0403446, 0.0403446}]}, {{0.7, 0.391931},
        ErrorBar[{-0.0720489, 0.0720489}]}, {{1.11, 0.319891},
        ErrorBar[{-0.0331414, 0.0331414}]}, {{3.07, 0.0951042},
        ErrorBar[{-0.0216138, 0.0216138}]}, {{5.97, 0.0720401},
        ErrorBar[{-0.0100861, 0.0100861}]}, {{22.24, 0.0461106},
        ErrorBar[{-0.0158478, 0.0158478}]}};

data2 = Drop[data, 1] /. {{x_, y_}, err_ErrorBar} :> {{Log[10, x], y}, err};

    Frame -> True,
    FrameTicks -> {LogScale, Automatic, None, Automatic},
    FrameLabel -> {x, y},
    Axes -> False,
    PlotLabel -> "Log-Linear Multiple List Plot",
    Background -> Linen,
    ImageSize -> 450];

David Park
djmp at

From: Carabe - Fernandez, Alejandro [mailto:a.carabe at]
To: mathgroup at

this is the only support address I find in the Wolfram webpage. If I
need to redirect this question to someone else, please let me know.
Here is the question:
I want to plot the following data set on a Log-Linear format:

     {{0., 1}, ErrorBar[{0., 0.}]},
     {{0.13, 0.899147}, ErrorBar[{-0.0158522, 0.0158522}]},
     {{0.37, 0.585022}, ErrorBar[{-0.0403446, 0.0403446}]},
     {{0.7, 0.391931},   ErrorBar[{-0.0720489, 0.0720489}]},
     {{1.11, 0.319891}, ErrorBar[{-0.0331414, 0.0331414}]},
     {{3.07, 0.0951042}, ErrorBar[{-0.0216138, 0.0216138}]},
     {{5.97, 0.0720401}, ErrorBar[{-0.0100861, 0.0100861}]},
     {{22.24, 0.0461106}, ErrorBar[{-0.0158478, 0.0158478}]}

I know I have to use MultipleListPlot to plot this, but the problem is
that Mathematica will return a Linear-Linear plot rather than a
Log-Linear plot. By the way, I am using Mathematica 4.1.

Thanks for your help,

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