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Re: Re: Solve or Reduce on a monstrosity of an expresssion (and a prize!)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg57493] Re: [mg57487] Re: Solve or Reduce on a monstrosity of an expresssion (and a prize!)
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 21:00:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <d76ojk$7ru$> <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Very impressive indeed. In fact, one of the most impressive things I  
have ever seen on the MathGroup.
This really deserves a prize.


On 29 May 2005, at 14:03, Maxim wrote:

> On Fri, 27 May 2005 09:17:40 +0000 (UTC), Daniel Reeves
> <dreeves at> wrote:
>> Well, it's for a theorem in my phd thesis about the efficacy of a  
>> game
>> theory approximation technique in a class of simple auction games.
>> To open this up to non-Mathematica folks, here's the function (the
>> derivative of the original function I posted) in a platform-neutral
>> format:
>> Again, the goal is to show that that expression is negative in
>> (0,(n-1)/n)
>> for all integers n>=2.  One way to show that is to show that the
>> expression has at most 2 roots and show that it is zero at x =  
>> (n-1)/n
>> and
>> at x = -(n+1)^2/(n*(n-1)).  (It is.)
> Sometimes we can make it easier for GroebnerBasis if we combine common
> subexpressions; also, with the proper choice of replacements, we  
> can make
> the coefficients integer:
> In[1]:=
> f[x_, n_] := 9/2/c[x, n]^2*(n + 1)b[x, n]^2 (x - d[x, n])(x - x*d 
> [x, n]
> + d[x, n] + d[x, n]^2 + n (d[x, n] - 1) (x + d[x, n]))
> a[x_, n_] := 9*(n + 1)^2 + Sqrt[3(n + 1)^3 (x^2 (n - 1) + 27(n + 1))];
> b[x_, n_] := (a[x, n](n - 1) x^2)^(1/3);
> c[x_, n_] := -3^(2/3) x^2 (n^2 - 1) + 3^(1/3)(x^2(n^2 - 1) (9 + 9n
> + Sqrt[3(n + 1) (x^2(n - 1) + 27(n + 1))]))^(2/3);
> d[x_, n_] := c[x, n]/(3 b[x, n] (n + 1));
> In[6]:=
> D[f[x, n], x] /.
>          27*(1 + n) + (-1 + n)*x^2 -> 3*a^2/(1 + n) /.
>        (-1 + n^2)*x^2*(9 + 9*n + 3*Sqrt[a^2]) |
>            (-1 + n)*x^2*(9*(1 + n)^2 + 3*Sqrt[(1 + n)^2*a^2]) ->
>          9*b^3 //
>      Refine[#, {n > 0, a > 0, b > 0}]& //
>    Together // Numerator // FullSimplify
> Out[6]=
> 4374*a*b^10 - 486*a*b^8*(-1 + n^2)*(a + 12*(1 - b + n))*x -  
> 4374*a*b^8*(-1
> + n^2)*x^2 - 81*b^5*(-1 + n^2)^2*(b^3 + 2*a^2*(b - 6*(1 + n))
> + 12*a*(3*b^2 + 2*b*(1 + n) - 3*(1 + n)^2))*x^3 + 1458*a*b^6*(-1
> + n^2)^2*x^4 + 27*b^3*(-1 + n^2)^3*(12*a^2*(1 + n) + b^2*(6 - b + 6*n)
> + 18*a*(b^2 + 2*(1 + n)^2))*x^5 - 162*a*b^4*(-1 + n^2)^3*x^6
> + 18*b^2*(a*(3 + a - 3*b) + 3*b + 3*(a + b)*n)*(-1 + n^2)^4*x^7 + 3* 
> (-1
> + n^2)^5*(b^2 + 2*a*(3 + a + 3*n))*x^9 + (-1 + n^2)^6*x^11
> In[7]:=
> GroebnerBasis[
>      {%,
>       (1 + n)*(27*(1 + n) + (-1 + n)*x^2) - 3*a^2,
>       (-1 + n^2)*x^2*(9 + 9*n + 3*a) - 9*b^3},
>      {n, x}, {a, b},
>      MonomialOrder -> EliminationOrder] //
>    Factor // Timing
> Out[7]=
> {114.312*Second, {(-1 + n)^7*(1 + n)^8*x^13*(1 - n + n*x)*(1 + 2*n  
> + n^2 -
> n*x + n^2*x)*(27 + 27*n - x^2 + n*x^2)}}
> In[8]:=
> Reduce[%[[2]] == 0 && n > 1, x, Reals]
> Out[8]=
> n > 1 && (x == (-1 - 2*n - n^2)/(-n + n^2) || x == 0 || x == (-1 +  
> n)/n)
> These are all the possible real roots (not necessarily the set of  
> roots of
> D[f[x, n], x] exactly, because of zeros in the denominator; also there
> could be parasite solutions due to the presence of radicals).
> Maxim Rytin
> m.r at

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