- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg61930] MathML->SymbolicXML->MathML
- From: "Steven T. Hatton" <hattons at>
- Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 01:52:12 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
The SymbolicXML show in the command below came from xhtml I imported using XML`Parser`XMLGet[file]. The xhtml has MathML elements which import well. I want to use these in DocBook, which means I need to qualify the tags with mml:. Mathematica has a nice feature for doing this, so I figured I would import the xhtml, copy the MathML elements in SymbolicXML, and export them. If I try to export as MathML, strange things happen. It treats the Symbolic XML as unevaluated expressions. I can export it as XML, but it seems like I should be able to export a block of SymbolicXML as MathML. I have problems whether I exclude the actual <math/> element or not. Is there a way to treat SymbolicXML as MathML? ExportString[ XMLElement[ "math", {{"", "xmlns"} -> ""}, {XMLElement[ "mtable", {"columnalign" -> "left left center center left", "rowlines" -> "solid none"}, {XMLElement[ "mtr", {}, {XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"Formal Name"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"Name"}]}], XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"Mathematical"}]}], XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"Programming"}]}], XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"Circuitry"}]}]}], XMLElement[ "mtr", {}, {XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"Negation"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"NOT"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"¬"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"!"}]}], XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"inverter"}]}]}], XMLElement[ "mtr", {}, {XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"Conjunction"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"AND"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"\[And]"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"&&"}]}], XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"and gate"}]}]}], XMLElement[ "mtr", {}, {XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"Disjunction"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"OR"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"\[Or]"}]}], XMLElement["mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"||"}]}], XMLElement[ "mtd", {}, {XMLElement["mtext", {}, {"or gate"}]}]}]}]}], "XML", ConversionOptions -> { "NamespacePrefixes" -> {"" -> "mml"}, "Entities" -> {"MathML", "\[Implies]" -> "⇒", "\[SuchThat]" -> "∋" }}] -- "Philosophy is written in this grand book, The Universe. ... But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language... in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, ...; without which wanders about in a dark labyrinth." The Lion of Gaul