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Re: Re: Package development

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg62629] Re: Re: Package development
  • From: "Jens-Peer Kuska" <kuska at>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 00:06:05 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


you are not alone. I usual develop a single function in a notebook and
finaly I copy it into the plane ASCII *.m file.  This avoid the "pretty
print"/"smart format" of the frontend.  The main problem when developing
a package in a notbook are the BeginPackage[] ... EndPackage[] brackets
because, every time you change a function in the Begin["`Private`"] ..
End[] part you has to evaluate several cells and one tend to forgot this.
The results are strange because your new function is not in the proper
context and will not overwrite the old one ..


"Gerry Flanagan" <flanagan at> 
schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:dmh919$8r1$1 at
| I'm surprised by the number of people that say 
they develop packages
| using the notebook interface as an editor. About 
once a year I give that
| a try and decide its hopeless. I'm a big fan of 
using line-breaks, tabs,
| and other pretty-print tricks to add some 
clarity to the functions. The
| automated features in the notebook are clever, 
but not good enough for
| something I want to release within the company. 
So I end up with
| developmental notebooks that feed (copy/paste) a 
text .m file over time.
| BTW, I like a product called UltraEdit for my 
programming. It allows me
| to set up a file of Mathematica keywords so that 
I can use color syntax
| highlighting while editing.
| Gerry F.
| >On 11/27/05 at 2:41 AM, tt at wrote:
| >
| >
| >
| >>Now the question. I have written a few 
packages in the past. More
| >>recently, I am always questioning myself to 
know if I should
| >>develop it directly in an ASCII .m file or use 
the notebook format
| >>and rely on the autosave package feature 
(initialization cells). I
| >>like the idea of  developing the package in 
the notebook format to
| >>have all the formatting features that ease 
reading, but at the same
| >>time, I hate to loose all the comments I put 
in when the *.m file
| >>is created. Of course I could put comments in 
the input lines of
| >>the notebook, but then I am better writing the 
ASCII file. Also, I
| >>could save the notebook as a package through 
"Save as Special"
| >>(that puts all the headers and text in 
comments, which is not done
| >>with the autosave package feature), but this 
is not an automated
| >>way of doing things. I am just seeking 
opinions from Mathematica
| >>power users. Which way do you develop 
| >>
| >>
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >

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