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Re: using answer form reduce

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg68636] Re: using answer form reduce
  • From: "akil" <akomur at>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 06:44:07 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ebmtf5$6fb$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thanks All,

 ToRules did the trick.

I don't know why Reduce just does not include an link to the section where 
they explain ToRules, because an example using Reduce is shown there, as i 
saw after all the advice I got.


"akil" <akomur at> schreef in bericht 
news:ebmtf5$6fb$1 at
> After using reduce I get the following two types of answers:
> answer == Real1 || answer == Real2
> or
> answer == Real3
> , the type can change from one formula to another.
> I need the Reals, and put them all in a list. The problem is getting all 
> the
> reals, without knowing which type I deal with, it should be able to be 
> done
> fast.
> I tried making a list of the returned adres, and then using
> Cases[list, _Real, Infinity] and using Select[list,NumericQ] but both do 
> not
> give me the answer I require.
> How can I get the answer I require e.g. something like {Real1,Real2,Real3}

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