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Re: Strange empty set of solutions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg71843] Re: Strange empty set of solutions
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 06:21:41 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ekh7pg$sgs$> <ekjfrf$d7h$> <ekmdn4$817$>

José Carlos Santos schrieb:
> On 29-11-2006 8:19, Jens-Peer Kuska wrote:
>> and we can't read you mind and the memory of your computer
>> so we must imagine a matrix M and write down
> Do you want an example? Here it is:
> M = {{4/5(c - 1), -2/Sqrt[5]s, 2/5(1 - c)},
>       {2/5(1 - c), -1 + s/Sqrt[5], 4/5 + c/5},
>       {-2s/Sqrt[5], -c, -1 + s/Sqrt[5]}} // N
> with c = Cos[Sqrt[5]] and s = Sin[Sqrt[5]].
> If I type
> Solve[{M.{x, y, z} == {0, 0, 0}}, {x, y, z}]
> I get
> {{x -> 0. - 0.0438861 z, y -> 0. + 1. z}}
> but if I type
> Solve[{M.{x, y, z} == {0, 0, 0}, x^2 + y^2 + z^2 == 1}, {x, y, z}]
> then I get the empty set. Why is that?
> Best regards,
> Jose Carlos Santos


you know the exact values of M. Why do you calculate with inexact numbers?

in the following examples is M the _exact_ matrix, nM the approximation with
MachinePrecision (N[M]) and v is {x,y,z}.

I guess, you are interested in approx. solutions:

NSolve[{M . v == 0, v . v == 1}, v]
{{x -> -0.031017241879657837, y -> 0.7067665564761036, z -> 0.7067665564761036},
 {x -> 0.031017241879657837, y -> -0.7067665564761036, z -> -0.7067665564761036}}

and this is, what you observed:

NSolve[{nM . v == 0, v . v == 1}, v]

but using Mathematicas special floating point routines, you get

NSolve[{N[M, 10] . v == 0, v . v == 1}, v]
{{x -> -0.0310172418796578372`5.994695378036643, y ->
   z -> 0.7067665564761036423`6.000786279312727}, {x ->
   y -> -0.7067665564761036431`5.9946953780366465, z ->

the easiest way (with small systems of equations) is:

gb = GroebnerBasis[Flatten[{M . v, v . v - 1}], v];
NSolve[gb == 0, v]
{{x -> -0.031017241879657837, y -> 0.7067665564761036, z -> 0.7067665564761036},
 {x -> 0.031017241879657837, y -> -0.7067665564761036, z -> -0.7067665564761036}}

which works with machine-precision numbers too:

GroebnerBasis[Flatten[{nM . v, v . v - 1}], v]
{-0.4995189653530894 + 1.*z^2, 1.*y - 1.*z, 1.*x + 0.0438861199577807*z}
Solve[% == 0, v]
{{x -> -0.03101724187965787, y -> 0.7067665564761035, z -> 0.7067665564761035},
 {x -> 0.03101724187965787, y -> -0.7067665564761035, z -> -0.7067665564761035}}


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