Re: Problem with Minimize function
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg71905] Re: Problem with Minimize function
- From: "amitsoni.1984 at" <amitsoni.1984 at>
- Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 06:26:20 -0500 (EST)
- References: <ekp4ek$270$><ekrkk7$s7l$>
I am using following program: A = {{2, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 3}, {3, 7, 3}} Minimize[-Abs[ A[[1, 1]]*q11 + A[[1, 2]]*q21 + A[[1, 3]]*q31 + A[[2, 1]]*q12 + A[[2, 2]]*q22 + A[[2, 3]]*q32 + A[[3, 1]]*q13 + A[[3, 2]]*q23 + A[[3, 3]]*q33], q11^2 + q12^2 + q13^2 == 1 && q11*q21 + q12*q22 + q13*q23 == 0 && q11*q31 + q12*q32 + q13*q33 == 0 && q21^2 + q22^2 + q23^2 == 1 && q21*q31 + q22*q32 + q23*q33 == 0 && q31^2 + q32^2 + q33^2 == 1, {q11, q12, q13, q21, q22, q23, q31, q32, q33}] I tried using NMinimize function and it worked fine with it. But I could not figure out what is the difference between these two functions(Minimize and NMinimize) from their definitions on the mathematica website. Thanks Amit dimitris wrote: > This message is generated if Mathematica encounters division by zero. > > But for more details it would be better to show us your function! > > Dimitris > > amitsoni.1984 at wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I am using Minimize function for an optimization problem with non > > linear objective function and constraints. But it is giving this error > > "Power:: infy: Infinite expression 1/0 encountered." > > Can anyone tell how this problem could be sorted out. > > > > Thanks > > Amit