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Please help overcome problems with integration

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72229] Please help overcome problems with integration
  • From: aaronfude at
  • Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:06:20 -0500 (EST)


This is similar to my previous posts, but I have worked hard to come up
with the simplest possible example which highlights what ought to be
considered in bug in Mathematica. Please comment and suggest a work

F = Log[(-1 + d x + e Sqrt[f + 2g x + h  x^2])];
st = Integrate[F, x];

specific = st /. { d -> -2, e -> 10, f -> 1.3, g -> -1, h -> 1 };
(specific /. x -> 1 ) - (specific /. x -> 0)
NIntegrate[F /.  { d -> -2, e -> 10, f -> 1.3, g -> -1, h -> 1 }, {x,
0, 1}]

The results are:

-1.25713 - 4.44^-16*I



Thank you very much in advance!

Aaron Fude

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