Re: circular infinity
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg72230] Re: circular infinity
- From: "EepĀ²" <eepNOSPAM at>
- Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:06:24 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: SBC
- References: <elotg7$pe2$> <elrbdj$12u$>
Thank you! I've been trying to get all the circles to show since the beginning but didn't find "PlotRange -> All" yet. The documentation needs serious work and the program itself isn't very intuitive... Is there a way to smooth/anti-alias the lines so they don't look so jagged? Also, how would I do something like on (specifically, I'd like to have the circles start out flat and then spiral up like that but not each level (iteration) be the same, but each circle in the iteration plane be on a different level--like steps or something. Animated would be cool too! :) <mcmcclure at> wrote in message news:elrbdj$12u$1 at > On Dec 13, 7:59 am, Eep² wrote: >> Hi, I'm trying to create the image at >> in Mathematica but I don't have much programming (or math) >> experience and am wondering if anyone here could help me out. > > How about this: > > CircleToCircles[Circle[{a_, b_}, r_]] := > {Circle[{a - r/2, b}, r/2], > Circle[{a + r/2, b}, r/2] > }; > CircleToCircles[l_List] := CircleToCircles /@ l; > Show[Graphics[NestList[CircleToCircles, Circle[{0, 0}, 1], 8]], > AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> All]; > > A few comments: > * This is an example of functional programming, > which you definitely want to learn to use Mathematica. > * The function CircleToCircles has two definitions > depending upon the type of pattern it encounters. > Pattern matching is another major topic you need > know. > * NestList and related commands tend to be much > more efficient than loops.