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RE: How to plot multiple surface plots each with different domains in

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72224] RE: [mg72197] How to plot multiple surface plots each with different domains in
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:05:58 -0500 (EST)

It always helps if posters give actual evaluable examples and save
responders the time to make up examples that might or might not conform to
your case. Then they can often give you actual functioning code.

In any case, you can use make separate plots with separate domains and then
use Show or DisplayTogether from the Graphics`Graphics` standard to combine
the plots.

The DrawGraphics package from my web site below provides a more natural way
to combine surfaces produced by different plot statements and with different
domains or characteristics.

David Park
djmp at

From: ss [mailto:s.kou at]


I am a student and very new user to mathematica - please kindly help me out
for this problem.

I am plotting 3D surface using mathematica with ParamatricPlot3D option. I
used the following command:

myplot = ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate[flist], {v, -k Cos[a], 0}, {u, -k Sin[a],
k Sin[a]}

"flist" is a function of {x,y,z} defined with v,u and but is also varied
with k values, thus i used flist=Table[{x,y,z},{k,kmin,kmax}] to create
multiple plots for each k value.

ParametricPlot3D creates a plot with a volume effect. however, there is an
error - domain u,v remains the same throughout the above for each surface
plotted, but both of the v,u range should vary with k!

basically, i desire that ParametricPlot3D command can take in three
variables instead of maximum two, how to do this?

Many thanks in advance.

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