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Re: Re: Re: Questions regarding MatrixExp, and its usage

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg63564] Re: [mg63390] Re: [mg63355] Re: [mg63335] Questions regarding MatrixExp, and its usage
  • From: "Michael Chang" <michael_chang86 at>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 03:12:39 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Happy New Year to all!  :)

>From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
To: mathgroup at
>To: Daniel Lichtblau <danl at>, mathgroup <mathgroup at>
>CC: Michael Chang <michael_chang86 at>, Pratik Desai 
><pdesai1 at>
>Subject: [mg63564] Re: [mg63390] Re: [mg63355] Re: [mg63335] Questions regarding  
>MatrixExp, and its usage
>Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:05:55 +0900
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>>>>>>In this case, while I am not 100% sure, I tend to believe the
>>>>>>to be quite analogous. We are interested in the equation
>>>>>Many thanks to Pratik, Daniel, and Andrzej for their very  insightful 
>>>>>expert feedback!  :)
>>>>>>I believe this will hold for real matrices B and (probably) all
>>>>>>p but will not hold in general. In fact I believe most what I   wrote
>>>>>>above can be generalised to this case, although the statements   and
>>>>>>proofs would be more complicated.
>>>>>Hmm ... actually, from the sample example listed below, I don't  
>>>>>that it will hold *in general* for real B *and* real p:
>>>>>In[1]: params={theta->Pi^Pi,p->Sqrt[2]};
>>>>>In[2]: B=theta {{Cot[theta],Csc[theta]},{-Csc[theta],-Cot[theta]}};
>>>>>In[3]: test1=Simplify[MatrixExp[B p]/.params];
>>>>>In[4]: test2=Simplify[MatrixPower[MatrixExp[B],p]/.params];
>>>>>In[5]: Simplify[test1 == test2]
>>>>>Out[5]: False
>>>>>Daniel has suggested that for (square matrix) B and (scalar) p both
>>>>>real-valued, this only will hold if B is positive definite  (although I
>>>>>suspect that this also may hold with B being positive semi-definite
>>What I suggested, or should have in case I misworded it, is that  positive
>>definiteness is a sufficient assumption for the identity to hold.  It may
>>hold in other cases as well.
>>It will hold if
>>(1) p is integer
>>(2) B (in notation above) is positive definite
>>(or, I think)
>>(3) -1<=p<=1.
>>A case where it perhaps does not hold (I'm trvelling and on the far  side
>>of the WRI firewall, hence cannot check this):
>>p = 3/2, B = {{0,-1}, {1,0}} or perhaps the negative thereof. The idea
>>being to use a matrix that emulates complex multiplication by Sqrt [-1].
>Why, of course! When I wrote "will hold for real matrices B" I was  just 
>being stupid and thinking of "matrices with real eigenvalues".  What I 
>really meant was normal matrices with real eigenvalues, which  I think is 
>probably a sufficient condition, since it seems that in  this case the 
>condition will hold if it holds for the eigenvalues. Is  that right?
>I was in a great hurry writing all this since out daughter is  visiting us 
>from Germany for the holidays and we are constantly going  out or going on 
>trips  and I can only spare a few minutes at a time  for these messages. 
>But let me quickly explain what I meant when I  wrote about Jordan 
>canonical forms.  If my memory does not fail me  there is the following 
>standard procedure for defining f(A) for A is  any complex matrix where 
>f[x] is any complex  function  for which  certain derivatives exists. Take 
>the Jordan decomposition of A. Let  its Jordan canonical form be
>A = Inverse[S]. Sum[B_i,{i,1,m}].S
>where the B_i are the Jordan blocks. We shall define f[A] as the  obvious 
>sum once we have defined f[B_i]. So we need only define f [B_i]. Suppose 
>the minimal polynomial of B_i is p(x) = (x-r)^k. Then  we define f[B_i] as 
>the following matrix

Hmm ...

>Table[KroneckerDelta[i ² j, True] *Derivative[j - i][f][r]/(j - i)!,  { i, 
>1, k}, {j, 1, k}]

One symbol doesn't appear to be quite right on my screen (or perhaps my 
understanding fails me!), but in the above line, should this be:

KroneckerDelta[i<=j,True] (a 'funny' symbol seems to appear in my message 
between the i and j)

and should the Derivative be with respect to 'x', evaluated at 'r' (maybe 
that's what's implied, but I just wanted to make sure that I'm not 
mis-interpretating this line as the Derivative with respect to 'r')?

>The important thing is that all the derivatives required to define  the 
>above matrices should exist!
>If they do f[A] will be well defined.  So, if I am right, taking f [x_]:= 
>x^z ought to give the definition of power of a matrix for  provided all the 
>above derivatives are well defined. If z is integer  certainly here will be 
>no problems, and the definition will agree  with the usual one.

Perhaps I do *NOT* understand, but here's an example that I considered with 
regards to the above definition -- assume that there is simply one Jordan 
block, and that A=B (S=I), with

A = B = {{0,1,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,0}};

Suppose that we desire to find Exp[8 A] (MatrixExp[8 A]); the minimal 
polynomial in x is x^3, and for i==j, I can see that the diagonal entries 
will be Exp[0]==1, and that Exp[A] should be upper triangular -- but the 
upper off-diagonal terms don't seem to be quite right (using the above 
formula ... for instance, I don't see how I can get the anticipated '8' and 
'8^2/2' terms) ...

Have I erred here?


Again, my sincere thanks to everyone (Andrzej, Daniel, and Pratik) for all 
of your insight and help!



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