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Evaluating x^0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg63553] Evaluating x^0
  • From: ted.ersek at
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 03:12:20 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Many users loathe the idea of to modifying built-in functions. Especially
functions such as Set, Plus that are frequently used.  At the very least
we make calculations run slower when we make such changes, and I agree
that one must be careful about unintended consequences. Indeed we have
found that clearing attributes that normally come with built-in functions
often leads to trouble.

However, I enjoy finding ways to change built-in functions that some would
view as an improvement, and see how well my changes work.

Consider evaluating  Clear[x];x^0
Mathematica returns the Integer 1.
In doing so Mathematica is assuming (x != 0) since 0^0 is Indeterminate.

I wrote to Wolfram Technical Support about this, and their reply included:

> This is a typical auto-simplification issue. Which simplifications
> should be made automatically and which ones shouldn't can often be
> subjective. Generally, the convention Mathematica takes is this.
> Don't make an assumption if it is invalid for a class of values. But
> it is ok to make an assumption if it is only violated by a small set
> of specific values.
> So Sqrt[x^2] does not simplify to Abs[x] (since this is not true for
> complex numbers). But x/x does simplify to 1 (even though this is not
> true for 0 or Indeterminate).

That sounds reasonable. However, sometimes a user might want (x^0) to evaluate
to itself, but it can't be done. It might be better if the rules for
simplifications that are invalid some of the time could be removed/disabled
by the user (e.g. stored in DownValues[Power]). I wonder if calculations would
run a lot slower if we could do that?

There are things we can do to make (x^0) evaluate more carefully. One approach
is to make Power post a message warning you about the assumption being made.
You can always turn off the message if you want to. Here is some code to make
Power do this.


  Power::assum="The expression Power[`1`,`2`] is evaluating to 1 which is
  only true when (`1`) is not zero.";

  Power[x_?(!NumericQ[#]&), 0]/;Message[Power::assum,x,0]:= "Never get here."

Another approach is to make (x^0) evaluate to an  If[...] expression using
the code that follows. This however isn't pretty, because it makes (x^0)
evaluate to something more complicated than (x^0).

  Power[x_,0]:= If[x!=0,1,Indeterminate]

Still another approach is to make (x^0) evaluate to some other expression.
We then ensure the output is displayed as if (x^0) evaluated to itself.
The code that follows does this.



  MakeBoxes[power0[x_Plus,y_], form:(StandardForm|TraditionalForm)]:=

  MakeBoxes[power0[x_,y_], form:(StandardForm|TraditionalForm)]:=

Normally the next output would be the Integer 1,
but not with my definitions above.


  (2 + y)^0    (* Displayed as a SuperscriptBox in the front-end. *)

In the output above it looks like (2+y)^0  evaluated to itself,
but the True InputForm is given below.



As far as I can tell, the only "problem" with my last approach is that an
expression with the head (power0) doesn't match the pattern (_Power).

  MatchQ[ power0[2+x,0], _Power]


So if you use this last approach you might use a definition such as
   foo[ Power[x_,y_]|power0[x_,y_] ]:= blah

instead of this simpler definition
   foo[Power[x_,y_]]:= blah

So we can deal with the only problem I know of, but it's a bit messy.

Any of my definitions above could be modified to deal with cases such as
  x^0.0, x^(0.0+0.0*I)

Any comments?

      Ted Ersek

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