Re: an integral containing BesselJ
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg67501] Re: an integral containing BesselJ
- From: ab_def at
- Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 03:52:39 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <e784gb$fph$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
dimmechan at wrote: > In Mathematica 5.2 i took the result: > > In[1]:= > \!\(Integrate[\(Log[x]\/\@\(1 + x\^2\)\) BesselJ[0, x], {x, 0, 8}] // > Timing\) > > Out[1]= > {46.171 Second,0} > > which is a special case of: > > In[2]:= > \!\(Integrate[\(Log[a\ x]\/\@\(1 + x\^2\)\) BesselJ[0, > x], {x, 0, 8}] // Timing\) > > Out[2]= > \!\({32.18800000000001`\ Second, BesselI[0, 1\/2]\ BesselK[0, 1\/2]\ > Log[a]}\) > > However performing the numerical integration gave the result: > > In[4]:= > \!\(NIntegrate[\(Log[x]\/\@\(1 + > x\^2\)\) BesselJ[0, x], {x, 0, 8}, Method \[Rule] > Oscillatory] // Timing\) > > Out[4]= > {0.75 Second,-0.997939} > > I also perfrorm the symbolic integration in Mathematica 4.0 and took a > lengthy result, which agrees numerically with the obtained result from > the numerical integration: > > In[1]:= > \!\(Integrate[\(Log[a\ x]\/\@\(1 + x\^2\)\) BesselJ[0, x], {x, > 0, \[Infinity]}] // Timing\) > > Out[1]= > \!\(\* > RowBox[{"{", > RowBox[{\(18.594`\ Second\), ",", > RowBox[{\(1\/12\ \((\(-1\) + > HypergeometricPFQ[{1\/2}, {1, 1}, > 1\/4])\)\ \((6\ EulerGamma\^2 - \[Pi]\^2 - > 6\ EulerGamma\ Log[4])\)\), > "+", \(1\/12\ \((6\ EulerGamma\^2 - \[Pi]\^2 - > 6\ EulerGamma\ Log[4] + > 12\ BesselI[0, 1\/2]\ BesselK[0, 1\/2]\ Log[a])\)\), "+", > > RowBox[{\(1\/\(2\ \@\[Pi]\)\), > RowBox[{"(", > RowBox[{\(Log[4]\), " ", > RowBox[{"(", > > RowBox[{\(1\/2\ \@\[Pi]\ \((\(-1\) + > HypergeometricPFQ[{1\/2}, {1, 1}, 1\/4])\)\ > Log[4]\), > "+", > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14174 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(\(2\^\(\(-1\) - 2\ K$14174\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$14174]\ PolyGamma[0, > 1\/2 + K$14174]\)\/Gamma[1 + > K$14174]\^3\)}], "+", > > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14174 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(-\(\(2\^\(\(-1\) - 2\ K$14174\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$14174]\ PolyGamma[0, > 1 + K$14174]\)\/Gamma[1 + > K$14174]\^3\)\)}]}], > ")"}]}], ")"}]}], "+", > FractionBox[ > RowBox[{\((\(-2\)\ EulerGamma + Log[4])\), " ", > RowBox[{"(", > > RowBox[{\(EulerGamma\ \@\[Pi]\ \((\(-1\) + > HypergeometricPFQ[{1\/2}, {1, 1}, 1\/4])\)\), > "+", > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14447 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(\(4\^\(-K$14447\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$14447]\ PolyGamma[0, > 1 + K$14447]\)\/Gamma[1 + K$14447]\^3\)}]}], > ")"}]}], \(2\ \@\[Pi]\)], "+", > RowBox[{\(1\/\(3\ \@\[Pi]\)\), > RowBox[{"(", > RowBox[{\(1\/8\ \[Pi]\^\(5/2\)\ \((\(-1\) + > HypergeometricPFQ[{1\/2}, {1, 1}, 1\/4])\)\), > "-", \(3\/8\ \@\[Pi]\ \((\(-1\) + > HypergeometricPFQ[{1\/2}, {1, 1}, 1\/4])\)\ > Log[4]\^2\), > "+", > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14601 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(-\(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-3\) - 2\ K$14601\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$14601]\ Log[16]\ PolyGamma[0, > 1\/2 + K$14601]\)\/Gamma[1 + > K$14601]\^3\)\)}], "+", > > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14601 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(-\(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-3\) - 2\ K$14601\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + > K$14601]\ PolyGamma[0, 1\/2 + \ > K$14601]\^2\)\/Gamma[1 + K$14601]\^3\)\)}], "+", > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14601 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-3\) - 2\ K$14601\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$14601]\ Log[16]\ PolyGamma[0, > 1 + K$14601]\)\/Gamma[1 + K$14601]\^3\)}], "+", > > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14601 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-2\) - 2\ K$14601\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$14601]\ PolyGamma[0, > 1\/2 + K$14601]\ PolyGamma[0, > 1 + K$14601]\)\/Gamma[1 + K$14601]\^3\)}], "+", > > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14601 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(-\(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-3\) - 2\ K$14601\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + > K$14601]\ PolyGamma[0, 1 + > K$14601]\^2\)\/Gamma[1 \ > + K$14601]\^3\)\)}], "+", > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14601 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(-\(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-3\) - 2\ K$14601\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$14601]\ PolyGamma[1, > 1\/2 + K$14601]\)\/Gamma[1 + > K$14601]\^3\)\)}], "+", > > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$14601 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-3\) - 2\ K$14601\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$14601]\ PolyGamma[1, > 1 + K$14601]\)\/Gamma[1 + K$14601]\^3\)}]}], > ")"}]}], > "+", > RowBox[{\(1\/\(3\ \@\[Pi]\)\), > RowBox[{"(", > > RowBox[{\(3\/2\ EulerGamma\^2\ \@\[Pi]\ \((\(-1\) + > HypergeometricPFQ[{1\/2}, {1, 1}, 1\/4])\)\), > "+", \(1\/8\ \[Pi]\^\(5/2\)\ \((\(-1\) + > HypergeometricPFQ[{1\/2}, {1, 1}, 1\/4])\)\), "+", > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$15304 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(\(3\ 4\^\(-K$15304\)\ EulerGamma\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$15304]\ PolyGamma[0, > 1 + K$15304]\)\/Gamma[1 + K$15304]\^3\)}], "+", > > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$15304 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-1\) - 2\ K$15304\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + > K$15304]\ PolyGamma[0, 1 + > K$15304]\^2\)\/Gamma[1 + \ > K$15304]\^3\)}], "+", > RowBox[{ > UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", \(K$15304 = 1\), > InterpretationBox["\[Infinity]", > DirectedInfinity[ > 1]]], \(-\(\(3\ 2\^\(\(-2\) - 2\ K$15304\)\ Gamma[ > 1\/2 + K$15304]\ PolyGamma[1, > 1 + K$15304]\)\/Gamma[1 + > K$15304]\^3\)\)}]}], > ")"}]}]}]}], "}"}]\) > > In[2]:= > N[%[[2]]] > > Out[2]= > 0.0580341\[InvisibleSpace] + 0.0833333 (-12.6717 + 11.7973 Log[a]) > > In[3]:= > % /. a -> 1 > > Out[3]= > -0.997939 > > Can anyone help me? Here's a link to a paper that explains how such integrals can be evaluated: (also have a look at issac90.pdf). First we find the transforms of the factors: In[1]:= Integrate[Log[1/x]/Sqrt[1 + 1/x^2]*x^(s - 1), {x, 0, Infinity}] In[2]:= Integrate[BesselJ[0, x]*x*x^(s - 1), {x, 0, Infinity}] In[3]:= fs = Simplify[%%*%, -1 < s < 0] Out[3]= (2^(-2 + s)*Gamma[-(s/2)]*Gamma[(1 + s)/2]^2*(PolyGamma[0, -(s/2)] - PolyGamma[0, (1 + s)/2]))/(Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[1/2 - s/2]) The original integral is equal to 1/(2*Pi*I) times the integral of fs along the line Re[s] == -1/2: In[4]:= 1/(2*Pi*I)*NIntegrate[fs, {s, -I*Infinity, -1/2, I*Infinity}] Out[4]= -0.9979393746397847 - 2.6504622345529306*^-17*I We can represent fs as a sum of the derivatives of gamma function ratios: In[5]:= fs == D[2^(-2 + s)*Gamma[-s/2 + a]*Gamma[(1 + s)/2]^2/ (Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[(1 - s)/2]) - 1/2*2^(-2 + s)*Gamma[-s/2]*Gamma[(1 + s)/2 + a]^2/ (Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[(1 - s)/2]), a] /. a -> 0 // Simplify Out[5]= True Since the integral of the ratio of gamma functions is a Meijer function, the answer is expressible in terms of the derivatives of MeijerG: In[6]:= D[1/(4*Sqrt[Pi])*MeijerG[{{1/2 - a}, {}}, {{0, 0}, {0}}, 1/4] - 1/(8*Sqrt[Pi])*MeijerG[{{1/2}, {}}, {{a, a}, {0}}, 1/4], a] /. a -> 0 // Simplify Out[6]= (1/(8*Sqrt[Pi]))*(-Derivative[{{0}, {}}, {{0, 1}, {0}}, 0][MeijerG][{{1/2}, {}}, {{0, 0}, {0}}, 1/4] - Derivative[{{0}, {}}, {{1, 0}, {0}}, 0][MeijerG][{{1/2}, {}}, {{0, 0}, {0}}, 1/4] - 2*Derivative[{{1}, {}}, {{0, 0}, {0}}, 0][MeijerG][{{1/2}, {}}, {{0, 0}, {0}}, 1/4]) This is probably not very useful, because Mathematica cannot evaluate N[%6], and FunctionExpand[%6] gives Indeterminate. Using the same technique of differentiation with respect to a parameter, we can express the integral in terms of the derivatives of HypergeometricPFQ: In[7]:= int = (1/24)*(-2*BesselI[0, 1/2]^2*(Pi^2 + 6*EulerGamma*(-EulerGamma + Log[4])) + (9*EulerGamma - 3*Log[16])*Derivative[{0}, {0, 1}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2}, {1, 1}, 1/4] + 3*Log[16]*Derivative[{1}, {0, 0}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2}, {1, 1}, 1/4] + 3*Derivative[{1}, {0, 1}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2}, {1, 1}, 1/4] - 3*Derivative[{2}, {0, 0}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2}, {1, 1}, 1/4] - 15*EulerGamma*Derivative[{0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, 1/4] - 12*Derivative[{0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, 1/4] - 3*Derivative[{0, 2}, {0, 0, 0}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, 1/4] + 9*Derivative[{1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, 1/4]); Mathematica seems to get the approximations for mixed partial derivatives wrong: In[8]:= N[Derivative[{1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, 0][ HypergeometricPFQ][{1/2, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, 1/4], 20] Out[8]= 4.523987519373309478408412473406`20.*^40 This looks like a bug, because even the simplest finite difference formula can give a good approximation: In[9]:= Block[{$MaxExtraPrecision = 100}, int /. Derivative[{si: (0)..., 1, si2: (0)..., 1, si3: (0)...}, {(0)..}, 0][HypergeometricPFQ][a_, b_, z_] :> ((f[h, k] - f[h, -k] - f[-h, k] + f[-h, -k])/(4*h*k) /. f -> Function @@ {HypergeometricPFQ[ a + {si, #, si2, #2, si3}, b, z]}) /. {h -> 10^-25, k -> 10^-25} // N[#, 50]& ] Out[9]= -0.9979393746360745614717131506926624475792306906555576417821764083894`50. Generalizing to Log[a*x] is easy: Integrate[Log[a*x]/Sqrt[1 + x^2]*BesselJ[0, x], {x, 0, Infinity}] == Integrate[(Log[x] + Log[a])/Sqrt[1 + x^2]*BesselJ[0, x], {x, 0, Infinity}] == int + BesselI[0, 1/2]*BesselK[0, 1/2]*Log[a] Maxim Rytin m.r at