Re: Writing prime factor decomposision in conventional form
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg65371] Re: Writing prime factor decomposision in conventional form
- From: Cca <cca at>
- Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 06:34:09 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Wolfgang, Much to my surprise, no one seems to have noticed that a solution (surely due to Robby Villegas) is presented in the HelpBrowser under MakeBoxes. Below I offer some little variations. (Notice that the outputs are evaluatable.) ------------------------------------------------------ FactoredInteger[0]=0; FactoredInteger[1]=1; FactoredInteger[n_Integer /; n > 1, multsign_: " "] := Module[{facs}, facs = FactorInteger[n]; DisplayForm@ Replace[Replace[Hold[Evaluate[facs]], {p_, a_} :> p^a, {2}], Hold[{pots___}] :> If[Length[facs] === 1, MakeBoxes[pots, StandardForm], MakeBoxes[Times[pots], StandardForm] /. " "-> multsign]]] FactoredInteger[n_/;n<0]:=-FactoredInteger[-n] Examples: FactoredInteger[238500] FactoredInteger[238500,"×"] FactoredInteger[238500,"*"] CenterDot=Times; FactoredInteger[238500,"·"] ------------------------------------------------------ FactoredInteger2[n_Integer /; n > 1, multsign_: " "] := With[{facs = FactorInteger[n]}, DisplayForm@ Replace[Replace[Hold[facs], {p_, a_} :> p^a, {2}], Hold[{pots___}] :> If[Length[facs] === 1, MakeBoxes[pots, StandardForm] /. {SuperscriptBox[a_, b_] :> RowBox[{a, "^", b}], " " -> multsign}, MakeBoxes[Times[pots], StandardForm] /. {SuperscriptBox[a_, b_] :> RowBox[{a, "^", b}], " " -> multsign}]]] Examples: In[10]:= FactoredInteger2[238500,"*"] Out[10]//DisplayForm= 2^2*3^2*5^3*53^1 In[11]:= FactoredInteger2[238500,"×"] Out[11]//DisplayForm= 2^2×3^2×5^3×53^1 Carlos César de Araújo Gregos & Troianos Educacional Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil (31) 3283-1122