oscillatory integrals
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg70070] oscillatory integrals
- From: dimmechan at yahoo.com
- Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 00:33:36 -0400 (EDT)
Dear all, I have posted this message again but since there were some answers covering part of my queries I post it again in more readable format. Let me consider the integral of the function q(x,r) (see below) over the range {x,0,Infinity}, for various values of r. $Version 5.2 for Microsoft Windows (June 20, 2005) Quit The function q(x,r) is defined as follows: q[r_,x_]:=(f[x]/g[x])*BesselJ[0,r*x] where f[x_]:=x*Sqrt[x^2+1/3]*(2*x^2*Exp[(-1/5)*Sqrt[x^2+1]]-(2x^2+1)Exp[(-1/5)*Sqrt[(x^2+1/3)]]) g[x_]:=(2x^2+1)^2-4x^2*Sqrt[x^2+1/3]Sqrt[x^2+1] The case r=2 was first considered by Longman on a well celebrated paper (Longman 1956). I will consider first this case also. >From the following plot one can see that the integrand is an oscillatory function convergent to zero for large arguments. In[22]:=Plot[q[2,x],{x,0,20},PlotPoints\[Rule]1000] The option Method->Oscillatory will be employed NIntegrate[q[2,x],{x,0,8},Method\[Rule]Oscillatory,WorkingPrecision\[Rule]22]//Timing Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 0\Infinity encountered. Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 0\Infinity encountered. {1.187 Second,-0.026608998128} I do not understand why exist here the warning messages Infinity::indet. Note that despite the presence of the message, the result is very accurate. Now I want to plot the function NIntegrate[q[r,x],{x,0,Infinity}] in the range {r,0,3}. What is the more reliable method to follow to get what I want? I simply executed Plot[NIntegrate[q[r,x],{x,0,8},Method\[Rule]Oscillatory, WorkingPrecision\[Rule]30],{r,0,3}] but although I got a plot, I need considerable time and there were a lot of warning messages so I believe this is not the case here. Next consider the function h[r,x] which is defined as follows: h[r_,x_]:=(f[x]/g[x])*BesselJ[1,r*x] I want also here the plot of NIntegrate[h[r,x],{x,0,Infinity}] in the range {r,0,3}. Because of BesselJ[1,0]=0, I am a little worry how I will treat the point r=0. Any suggestions? Must I check for absolute convergence? Thanks in advance for any assistance. Dimitrios Anagnostou