how to identify plane and measuring planar area
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg69224] how to identify plane and measuring planar area
- From: "T Harris" <tdh1967 at>
- Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 01:39:09 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
I am taking linear algebra and I have questions about the following code. Can someone run it and help me here? These are the two questions --> (1) How do I measure the planar area of this flat thing? (2) What plane does this ellipsoid plot out on? What would I do in any case like this in the future to determine the plane? Thanks for any help you can give. In[566]:= {xstretch,ystretch,zstretch} = {1.5,0.8,0}; ranger=1.5; {slow,shigh} = {0,Pi}; {tlow,thigh} = {0,2 Pi}; hungellipsoidplot = ParametricPlot3D[ xstretch Sin[s] Cos[t] perpframe[1] + ystretch Sin[s] Sin[t] perpframe[2] + zstretch Cos[s]perpframe[3], {s,slow,shigh},{t,tlow, thigh}, PlotRange->{{-ranger,ranger},{-ranger,ranger},{-ranger,ranger}}, Axes->True,AxesLabel->{"x","y","z"}, Boxed->False,ViewPoint->CMView,DisplayFunction->Identity]; setup =Show[hungellipsoidplot,frameplot,Axes3D[ranger], DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction]; Show[setup, ViewPoint -> 12 perpframe[1]];