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Books on learning mathematics with Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg69240] Books on learning mathematics with Mathematica
  • From: "Alex Polite" <notmyprivateemail at>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 23:46:24 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I'm (amongst other things) an autodidact programmer. Quite often I'll
run into computing problems that I realize are well understood, I'll
do a google and find some papers outlining algorithms that tackles the
problem. Sprinkled in the text there's infallibly some mathematical
formulas. That's were my troubles begin ;)

One part of the problem is simply not being familiar mathematical
notation. Once I grasp what the formula express I usually have no
problem understanding the concept. If the formula had been expressed
in pseudo code, I'd have an easier time  following along.

I've recently found out about Mathematica and it seems like it could
be a great learning tool for someone like me. If I understand things
correctly, Mathematica will let me enter formulas in the syntax of a
programming language and then render them in standard mathematical
notation, right?

Now, to optimize this self study program, all I need is a great text
book that uses Mathematica to teach math. Preferably the book should
start with recapitulating high school math and than move on to
undergraduate levels.

TIA alex

Alex Polite

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