MathGroup Archive 2006

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Re: plotting multidimensional arrays

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg69605] Re: plotting multidimensional arrays
  • From: mickey <micky at>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 06:57:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Ohio State University
  • References: <eegb31$js$>

David Annetts wrote:
> Hi Mickey,
>>I have a list of numbers,
>>and so on. I would like to plot it as a 3 dimensional plot, 
>>with the index as x and y and the value as the z value but I 
>>am having trouble doing that. Here is what I was trying. I 
>>create the array first,
> You are creating an 500 x 500 array filled with zeros.
>>This works fine. Then I assign the values for the elements.
> This will return the 2nd element in the first row.  You mean cc[[1, 2]] =
> 20;
>>But here I get an error.
> Yes.  Look at Part[] in the online help.
>>What am I doing wrong?
> At the very least, assuming that you can write C(++) like code and expect it
> to work ....
> You say you have a list of numbers.  Where?  On paper?  In a file on your
> disc?  Assuming it's the latter, we can read them directly into Mathematica.
> 	idat  = Import["c:/Tmpfiles/Surface.dat", "CSV"];
> 	idat = ToExpression[#] & /@ idat;
> And plot them as a surface (after loading the proper package)
> 	Needs["Graphics`"]
> 	ListSurfacePlot3D[idat];
> Or as discrete points ...
> 	rdat = Partition[Flatten@idat, 3];
> 	ScatterPlot3D[rdat];
> It depends on how you read your data from the file on disc, and what exactly
> you want to do with them.  
> How about looking at the help for Import[] as well as ListPlot3D &
> ListSurfacePlot3D.  Try the examples.  Look at the start of the sample data
> to see the required format for the data.
> Regards,
> Dave.

Thanks to everyone who responded. It works fine now.


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