Re: Solving periodic functions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg74961] Re: Solving periodic functions
- From: "dimitris" <dimmechan at>
- Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 01:57:07 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <evkroh$o0k$>
It depends. Symbolically or numerically? Here I cover both approaches. First you do a plot of your function in order to get an idea of it. In[46]:= f[x_] := 6*Cos[x] - 5*Cos[x] In[51]:= Plot[f[x], {x, -2*Pi, 2*Pi}, Frame -> {True, True, False, False}, Axes -> {True, False}, FrameTicks -> {Range[-2*Pi, 2*Pi, Pi/2], Range[-1, 1, 0.5]}] Numerically: In[55]:= << "NumericalMath`IntervalRoots`" (*load a relevant package*) In[57]:= IntervalBisection[f[x], x, Interval[{-2*Pi, 2*Pi}], 0.05, MaxRecursion -> 10] List @@ % (FindRoot[f[x], {x, #1[[1]], #1[[2]]}, WorkingPrecision -> 40] & ) /@ % Out[57]= Interval[{-4.761476365597028, -4.663301595172351}, {-1.619883712007237, -1.5217089415825569}, {1.5217089415825569, 1.619883712007237}, {4.663301595172351, 4=2E761476365597028}] Out[58]= {{-4.761476365597028, -4.663301595172351}, {-1.619883712007237, -1.5217089415825569}, {1.5217089415825569, 1.619883712007237}, {4.663301595172351, 4.761476365597028}} Out[59]= {{x -> -4.71238898038468985769396507491925432629575409906265835072`40.}, {x -> -1.570796326794896619231321691639751442098584699687552896386`40.}, {x -> 1=2E570796326794896619231321691639751442098584699687552896386`40.}, {x -> 4=2E71238898038468985769396507491925432629575409906265835072`40.}} In[60]:= Information["IntervalBisection", LongForm -> False] IntervalBisection[f, x, int, eps] uses the interval bisection method to find \ subintervals of the given interval int of length less than eps (possibly) \ containing roots of the expression f. Symbolically: In[72]:= Reduce[f[x] == 0 && -2*Pi <= x <= 2*Pi, x, Reals] N[%, 40] Out[72]= x == -((3*Pi)/2) || x == -(Pi/2) || x == Pi/2 || x == (3*Pi= )/2 Out[73]= x == -4.712388980384689857693965074919254326295754099062658731462`40. || x == -1.570796326794896619231321691639751442098584699687552910487`40. || x == 1.570796326794896619231321691639751442098584699687552910487`40. || x == 4.712388980384689857693965074919254326295754099062658731462`40. Regards Dimitris =CF/=C7 David Rees =DD=E3=F1=E1=F8=E5: > This is probably totally elementary, but I'm stumped nonetheless. > > Anyway, in Mathematica, how do I solve an equation with multiple periodic > functions within a given function domain bound? > > i.e. How would I find all values of x given 6Cos[x]-5Cos[x] = 0 where > 0<x<=2Pi ? > > thanks