strange behavior of Integrate
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg75254] strange behavior of Integrate
- From: dimitris <dimmechan at>
- Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 05:10:07 -0400 (EDT)
Hi fellas. In my travel (sic!) through definite integration I encountered a strange behavior (at least!) of Integrate. Of course may be this is something well known but I haven't notice any relevant before. So I apologize if I discuss an old issue. Anyway, here we go... $VersionNumber 5.2 Consider the integral In[1]:= int = HoldForm[(1/Pi)*Integrate[Log[x/(x^2 + 1)]*(1/(x^2 + 1)^m), {x, 0, Infinity}, Assumptions -> m >= 1]] Here is the definite integral by Mathematica In[2]:= res1 = int // ReleaseHold Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 0*Infinity encountered. Out[2]= -((1/(4*Pi*Gamma[m]))*((-3 + 2*m)*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[-(3/2) + m]*(PolyGamma[0, 1 - m] - PolyGamma[0, 3/2 - m]) + Gamma[-(1/2) + m]*(4^(1 + m)*m*Gamma[-2*m]*Gamma[m]*Gamma[1/2 + m] + Sqrt[Pi]*(EulerGamma + Log[4] + PolyGamma[0, -(1/2) + m])))) Observe first the Infinity::indet message. Despite the presence of the warning message the result is correct. In[4]:= FunctionExpand[(Limit[res1, m -> #1] & ) /@ Range[1, 3, 1/2]] N[%] Out[4]= {-(Log[4]/2), (-4 - 2*EulerGamma - 2*(-EulerGamma - 2*Log[2]) - Log[4])/(2*Pi), (1/24)*(6*EulerGamma + 6*(-EulerGamma - 2*Log[2]) + 6*Log[2] - 3*Log[4]), (-13 + 12*Log[2] - 3*Log[4])/(9*Pi), (1/160)*(-5 - 60*Log[2])} Out[5]= {-0.6931471805599453, -0.4159841722149297, -0.3465735902799727, -0.3126905466081521, -0.29118019270997947} In[6]:= int /. Integrate[f_, x_, r_] :> NIntegrate[f, x] ReleaseHold[(% /. m -> #1 & ) /@ Range[1, 3, 1/2]] Out[6]= HoldForm[NIntegrate[Log[x/(x^2 + 1)]/(x^2 + 1)^m, {x, 0, Infinity}]/ Pi] Out[7]= {-0.6931471805221163, -0.41598417121082076, -0.3465735902182698, -0.3126905465743776, -0.291180192691087} At this point, someone may believe that the strange behavior I was talking about is this warning message. Even though the presence of this message needs some discussion, (although they are known cases where Built in functions generate warning messages in spite of the results being correct) the next issue is by far more interesting. Just evaluate AGAIN the integral In[10]:= res2=int//ReleaseHold Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 0*Infinity encountered. Out[10]= (Gamma[-(1/2) + m]*(2*HarmonicNumber[1/2 - m] - HarmonicNumber[-(3/2) + m] - Log[4] - 2*(EulerGamma + PolyGamma[0, m]) + 2*Pi*Tan[m*Pi]))/ (4*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[m]) Integrate returns a different output for the same definite integration! The result is of course correct. In[11]:= FunctionExpand[(Limit[res2, m -> #1] & ) /@ Range[1, 3, 1/2]] N[%] Out[11]= {-(Log[4]/2), (-2*EulerGamma - 2*(2 - EulerGamma - Log[4]) - Log[4])/ (2*Pi), -(Log[4]/4), (1 - 2*EulerGamma - 2*(8/3 - EulerGamma - Log[4]) - Log[4])/(3*Pi), (3/32)*(-(1/3) - 2*Log[4])} Out[12]= {-0.6931471805599453, -0.41598417221492984, -0.34657359027997264, -0.31269054660815215, -0.2911801927099795} but I wonder how is this possible this! Note that In[15]:= FullSimplify[res1] Simplify[res2 == %] Out[15]= -((Gamma[-(1/2) + m]*(-2*HarmonicNumber[1/2 - m] + HarmonicNumber[- (3/2) + m] + Log[4] + 2*(EulerGamma + PolyGamma[0, m]) - 2*Pi*Tan[m*Pi]))/(4*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[m])) Out[16]= True whereas for example In[17]:= FunctionExpand[res1] Out[17]= Gamma[-(3/2) + m]/(2*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[m]) - (EulerGamma*Gamma[-(1/2) + m])/(4*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[m]) - (Sqrt[Pi]*Cot[m*Pi]*Gamma[-(1/2) + m])/(2*Gamma[m]) - (4^m*m*Gamma[- (1/2) + m]*Gamma[-2*m]*Gamma[1/2 + m])/Pi - (3*Gamma[-(3/2) + m])/(4*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[1 + m]) - Gamma[-(1/2) + m]/ (2*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[1 + m]) - (Gamma[-(1/2) + m]*Log[4])/(4*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[m]) + (Gamma[-(1/2) + m]*PolyGamma[0, 3/2 - m])/(2*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[m]) - (Gamma[-(1/2) + m]*PolyGamma[0, -(1/2) + m])/(4*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[m]) - (Gamma[-(1/2) + m]*PolyGamma[0, m])/(2*Sqrt[Pi]*Gamma[m]) It seams that the second time Integrate called FullSimplify! But I think Integrate uses Simplify and not FullSimplify. Any insight, explanations available? Dimitris
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: strange behavior of Integrate
- From: Daniel Lichtblau <>
- Re: strange behavior of Integrate