MathGroup Archive 2007

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OpenAuthorTools palette missing from V6 ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79739] OpenAuthorTools palette missing from V6 ?
  • From: John Jowett <John.M.Jowett at>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 06:26:06 -0400 (EDT)

It seems to me that the OpenAuthorTools palette has been forgotten in
the installation of Mathematica Version 6.0.1.

When you follow the "Installed Add-Ons" link from the new
Documentation Center main page, it takes you to the old Help Browser
which contains documentation for the AuthorTools package (of course no
reference to AuthorTools can be found in the Documentation
Center ...).  The help page on the Palette Interface says that

"The AuthorTools palette provides a convenient way to access the other
palettes ... "

However I couldn't find any way to open the palette.  Searching the
installation directory, it just did not seem to be there.  I have
copied it from my 5.2 installation to

C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\6.0\AddOns\Applications

(on Windows XP).
Can someone confirm this is the right thing to do?    On the next
startup of Mathematica, the palette appears in the Palettes menu.

This package is very useful for anyone trying to create proper
documentation for their own application packages.  Yet it is hard to
find out about this.

It still seems unsatisfactory to me that the documentation for
additional packages has to appear in a different help system.

John Jowett

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