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Re: Serious Problem with GridLines

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79763] Re: Serious Problem with GridLines
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 06:38:35 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Uni Leipzig
  • References: <f8s2ub$1q3$>
  • Reply-to: kuska at


if there would not be a bug in FullGraphics[], that remove the
axes labels, than

gr = ListLogPlot[Table[PartitionsQ[n], {n, 50}], Filling -> Bottom,
   FillingStyle -> Lighter@Orange, Joined -> True, Frame -> True,
   Mesh -> True, GridLines -> Automatic, GridLinesStyle -> LightGray];

Show[FullGraphics[gr], AspectRatio -> 1]

would bring the grid lines in front.


David Park wrote:
> Pre-Version 6 Mathematica had an obscure option AxesFront that was buried in 
> the Graphics`FilledPlot` package. This option, when set to True, would 
> ensure that both the axes and any GRID LINES were always in front of any 
> other graphics. I always thought that they should make AxesFront a general 
> Graphics option.
> What WRI did instead, in Version 6, is automatically ensure that axes (along 
> with their ticks and labels) are always in front and they let GridLines take 
> the hindmost. There is no longer any (simple) way to force grid lines to be 
> in front.
> In the documentation they state: "In some plots, grid lines can be 
> completely occluded by the image. Mesh can be used instead, to place the 
> lines above the graphic." But this will only work for plots like 
> DensityPlot. Generally, Mesh is no substitute at all for GridLines. Consider 
> the following plot:
> ListLogPlot[Table[PartitionsQ[n], {n, 50}],
>  Filling -> Bottom,
>  FillingStyle -> Lighter@Orange,
>  Joined -> True,
>  Frame -> True,
>  Mesh -> True,
>  GridLines -> Automatic,
>  GridLinesStyle -> LightGray]
> Using Mesh only puts dots along the curve. We could obtain a partial 
> solution by using Opacity on the filling along with darker grid lines:
> ListLogPlot[Table[PartitionsQ[n], {n, 50}],
>  Filling -> Bottom,
>  FillingStyle -> Opacity[0.6, Lighter@Orange],
>  Joined -> True,
>  Frame -> True,
>  GridLines -> Automatic,
>  GridLinesStyle -> Gray]
> but I prefer to keep the grid lines quite faint.
> If we are to lose the choice then it would be much better if GridLines were 
> treated the same as Axes and were always automatically in front.

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