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Re: Density Plot coloring issue

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79745] Re: [mg79715] Density Plot coloring issue
  • From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 06:29:13 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <4552697.1186048615067.JavaMail.root@m35>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

numCols and numRows are undefined.


On Thu, 02 Aug 2007 02:56:32 -0500, Yvon <ymgrigsb at> wrote:

> I'm having an issue where my density plot will color all the cells
> EXCEPT the minimum above 0 and maximum values in my list.  It seems to=

> occur irregardless of whether I use the custom function I wrote or
> ColorFunction -> (Hue[2/5, 2/3, 1.2 - #] &)
> This is driving me crazy, please tell me what I'm doing wrong.  For
> the dataset given below, all the cells are colored except cell 3,4
> (value=3.93) and cell 6,1(value=7.41)  They are white, along with =
> 0.0 values which is the first value in my color table.
> However, if I duplicate the min value  by changing another value
> within the list (for example, replace (cell1,1) 6.75 with 3.93), then
> the color for both 3.93 cells change to what is expected.  If I
> replace 6.75 with 7.41, both 7.41 cells are white, if I replace 6.75
> with 7.42, then cell 1,1 is white and the cell 6,1 changes to what is
> expected.  Can someone tell me what is going on here?!!
> cList = {{6.75, 5.85, 0., 6.39, 7.41, 0.}, {6.4, 5.57, 0., 6.6, 6.68=
>    0.}, {5.99, 5.51, 0., 6.24, 6.37, 0.}, {6.1, 5.72, 3.93, 5.92,
>    5.89, 0.}, {5.71, 5.85, 6.05, 5.92, 6.06, 0.}, {5.62, 5.64, 5.61,
>    5.42, 5.14, 0.}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
> numColors = 10
> minLWC = 0
> maxLWC = 10
> CellColor[index_] := Module[{cTable, s},
>   (*White,purple,blue, light blue, light green, kahki, light yellow,
>   light orange, pink, red *)
>   cTable = {{1, 1, 1}, {0.5, 0, 0.5}, {0.4, .6,
>      0.9}, {0.7, .9, .96}, {.8, 1, .7}, {.6, 0.8, .2}, {1, 1,
>      0.5}, {1, .84, 0}, {1, .75, .8}, {.86, .08, .24}};
>   s = Partition[Map[RGBColor, cTable], 1];
>   RGBColor[cTable[[index]]]
>   ]
> GetColor[x_] := (p =
>    Round[Abs[(x - minLWC)*numColors/(maxLWC - minLWC)]] ;
>   CellColor[p])
> ListDensityPlot[cList,  InterpolationOrder -> 0,
>  ColorFunction -> GetColor, ColorFunctionScaling -> {\!\(\*
> ButtonBox["False",
> BaseStyle->"Link",
> ButtonData->"paclet:ref/True"]\)},
>  Mesh -> {numCols - 1, numRows - 1}, PlotRangePadding -> None,
>  DataRange -> {{0, numCols}, {0, numRows}},
>  Epilog -> {Hue[0, 1, 1],
>    MapIndexed[Text[#1, #2 - .5] &, Transpose[cList], {2}]}]
> Your help is greatly appreciated!!
> Yvon

-- =

DrMajorBob at

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