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Re: Memmory issue while batch exporting graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79975] Re: Memmory issue while batch exporting graphics
  • From: Ned Kelly <NedKelly at>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:40:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Bluewin AG
  • References: <f8v12b$d5j$> <f91ian$5k7$>

Thanks a lot Jens
I'll try it!

> Hi,
> make a Graphics[Raster[]] object in the same way as Mathematica
> represent bitmaps. The DensityPlot[] is for smooth functions
> and not for bitmaps or discontinuous height fields.
> It had worked for me up to 4096^2 color maps
> Regards
>    Jens
> Ned Kelly wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I'm (just for fun) trying to generate a high resolution Mandelbrot set 
>> image with Mathematica. In order to do so I wrote a Programm to build 
>> an array wich holds the number of iterations in each spesific point.
>> Unfortunately I get a memmory error when the array gets larger than 500x500.
>> No more memory available.
>> Mathematica kernel has shut down.
>> Try quitting other applications and then retry.
>> Then I decided to do the same in small portions. I generate a 
>> ListDensityPlot (500x500 pix), save it as a variable and export it to a 
>> spesivic folder. This repeats itself as I packed it in two "For" loops. 
>> This works fine up to a spesivic point where (again) my memmory overflows.
>> My idea was to stick all these exported parts of the Mandelbrot together 
>> to get a high resolution Mandelbrot set.
>> Do you've got any idea how to work around that Memmory issue? I Tried to 
>>   clear the systemcache and clear the variables holding the picture and 
>> the array but nothing helped.
>> Appreciate your help!
>> Ned

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