MathGroup Archive 2007

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Question about memory consumption in my codes by using Mathematica 6, Thanks!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80194] Question about memory consumption in my codes by using Mathematica 6, Thanks!
  • From: foxvexon <yulinwei at>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 07:13:47 -0400 (EDT)

I write a routine that repeats loading and treating a large amount of
data imported from external data files produced by another program. I
enclose codes for this task in a simple Module[{local_vars},
expressions]. Of'cause, it calls pre-defined routines outside but does
not introduce any new variable except temple local ones.

I am confused that If this is done for just one or two loops/times, it
works well. But if I hope to run this loop several times, like 10~200,
Mathematica usually reports memory consumed out and terminates

I check my codes over and over to make sure that I do not introduce
new variables in each loop that will eat up memory every time. But, I
do notice (from windows task manager) that the used memory by
Mathematica 6 is increasing with each loop.

Please help! Thanks a lot in advance!

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