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Matheamatica 6 + Dual G5 = highly unstable??

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80174] Matheamatica 6 + Dual G5 = highly unstable??
  • From: Mark Teagarden <Mark.Teagarden at>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 07:03:25 -0400 (EDT)


M6 has been acting very oddly for me lately.  I have been working on a
particular notebook lately, about 150 MB.  When I open this notebook and
execute the first line:


Mathematica crashes roughly 75% of the time.  Mind you, this is the very
first command I execute, so it's not like I've imported a bunch of data or
placed any kind of load on the kernel.  Sometimes M6 works normally.
Sometimes it will crash just on opening the file.

In other instances, I get the "out of memory" kernal crash.  However, even
this doesn't make sense because according to Mathworks, that arises from
conflicts in Apple's 64 bit libraries with Intel processors - but I'm
running this on a 64 bit quad G5 for which Mathworks does not even support
64 bit mode.  So, 32  bit software on 64 bit G5 = same crash as 64 bit
software on 32/64 bit intels?  Anyway, I don't really care about the intel
problem.  What I want to know is whether anyone else has had similar
problems in stability on a G5, and what they did about it?  It runs fine on
my G4 laptop, by the way.

Quad PPC G5 2.5 GHz, OS X 10.4.10, 8 GB RAM.

Thanks guys,
Mark A. Teagarden, Ph.D.
University of Texas at San Antonio
Department of Biology
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249

Phone: 210.458.4746
FAX:   210.458.5658

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