Re: 4D plot ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg73382] Re: 4D plot ?
- From: "dimitris" <dimmechan at>
- Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 04:55:06 -0500 (EST)
- References: <equnpe$iip$>
Condidering myself far from being a guru I would consult the following link or the book Mathematica Graphics of T W Jones. Understanding that this reply is not very helpful for you until now (and it is not very easy to buy a book that at least in my country- Greece-costs 90 Euros) I coppy the ScatterPlot4D user defined function from this book along with some examples Off[General::spell1] ScatterPlot4D[data_/;MatrixQ[data,NumberQ]&&Length[First[ data]]\[Equal]4,fun_,opts___]:= Module[{res,coord},coord=(Last/@data);min=Min[coord]; max=Max[coord];Show[Graphics3D[{fun[(Last[#]-min)/(max- min)],Point[Take[#,\ 3]]}&/@data,opts]]] (rad:=2Random[]-1; data=Table[{xvar=rad,yvar=rad,zvar=rad,Abs[xvar yvar zvar]},{100}];) ScatterPlot4D[data,GrayLevel] ScatterPlot4D[data,RGBColor[#,1-#,1]&] Show[%/.Point[pt_]\[RuleDelayed]Cuboid[pt,pt+{0.1,0.1,0.1}], Lighting\[Rule]False] On[General::spell1] Best Regards Dimitris =CE=9F/=CE=97 J=C3=A1nos =CE=AD=CE=B3=CF=81=CE=B1=CF=88=CE=B5: > Hi, > > What the gurus use to display 4D data ? > > lst={{w1,x1,y1,z1},{w2,x2,y2,z2},....} > > where lst is the result of some Position[set,{i}] query. The i in > {i} can be any small natural number below 1000. Obviously "set" has > that degree of nesting which always produce 4D data for any Position > [set,{i}] query. > > Thanks ahead, > > J=E1nos=