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Re: Approximate/asymptotic factorization

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73676] Re: Approximate/asymptotic factorization
  • From: Daniel Lichtblau <danl at>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 02:20:55 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <> <ermdo5$i0d$> <>

Paul Abbott wrote:
> In article <ermdo5$i0d$1 at>,
>  Daniel Lichtblau <danl at> wrote:
>>Paul Abbott wrote:
>>>Consider the monomial H[4,4]
>>>  256*(23625 + 126000*z^4 - 7200*z^8 + 3840*z^12 + 256*z^16)
>>>where H[m,n] is a Generalized Hermite Polynomial (Noumi & Yamada 1998), 
>>>a rational solution to the Painlev� equation P_IV. A plot of the roots 
>>>of H[4,4] displays an interesting quasi-rectangular structure.
>>>Then consider the monomial Q[4,4]
>>>  1528899609315374375625 + 6795109374734997225000*z^4 -  
>>>  560866170613047390000*z^8 + 153399294526645440000*z^12 +  
>>>  2734590598399296000*z^16 - 167891551278796800*z^20 +  
>>>  2948686820352000*z^24 - 40649991782400*z^28 +  277762867200*z^32 - 
>>>  920125440*z^36 + 1048576*z^40
>>>where Q[m,n] is a Generalized Okamoto Polynomial, another rational 
>>>solution to P_IV. A plot of the roots displays an even more interesting 
>>>structure, with a quasi-rectangular core and 4 triangular "lobes" 
>>>(related, in some way, to the the Yablonskii�Vorob�ev Polynomials, 
>>>which are Rational Solutions of P_II)
>>>If you overlay plots of the roots of H[4,4] and Q[4,4] what is most 
>>>striking is that the "common" roots are very similar. In other words, 
>>>H[4,4] is "approximately" a factor of Q[4,4]. 
>>>Is there a "standard" way of quantifying this approximate factorization?
>>>This approximate factorization holds for any m and n and appears to 
>>>improve as m and n increases. Perhaps there is a limit in which the 
>>>factorization holds asymptotically?
>>>Paul Abbott                                      Phone:  61 8 6488 2734
>>>School of Physics, M013                            Fax: +61 8 6488 1014
>>>The University of Western Australia         (CRICOS Provider No 00126G)    
>>I'm not sure how to tackle the asymptotics you have in mind. For 
>>particular examples this is very much the province of univariate 
>>approximate gcd computation. There has been a good deal of work in this 
>>area since around 1995, with some work even earlier.
>>A good place to start would be the "4M" article of Corless, Gianni, 
>>Trager, and Watt, "The singular value decomposition for polynomial 
>>systems", ISSAC 1995. The idea of their approach is to use the SVD of 
>>the Sylvester matrix in order to determine the degree of a "good" approx 
>>gcd, then derive that gcd also using the SVD.
> OK, I've got that ref and also got
>   N. Karmarkar and Y. N. Lakshman "Approximate polynomial greatest 
>   common divisors and nearest singular polynomials", Proceedings of the 
>   1996 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, 
>   35 - 39, 1996

Right. I think theirs is more the remainder sequence approach. I also 
looked at it a bit yesterday, but decided 4M was simpler to demo.

>>For your example I show some quick-and-dirty code that, I think, does 
>>more or less what they have in mind. For the Sylvester matrix I cribbed 
>>and slightly modified code from MathWorld:
>>SylvesterMatrix[poly1_, poly2_, var_] := Module[
>>   {coeffs1, coeffs2, l1, l2},
>>   coeffs1 = Reverse[CoefficientList[poly1, var]];
>>   coeffs2 = Reverse[CoefficientList[poly2, var]];
>>   l1 = Length[coeffs1];
>>   l2 = Length[coeffs2];
>>   Join[Table[
>>     Join[Table[0,{j}], coeffs1,
>>       Table[0,{l2-2-j}]], {j,0,l2-2}],
>>     Table[Join[Table[0,{j}], coeffs2,
>>       Table[0,{l1-2-j}]], {j,0,l1-2}]]
>>   ]
> I note that
>  Join[Table[
>      Join[Table[0,{j}], coeffs1,
>        Table[0,{l2-2-j}]], {j,0,l2-2}],
>      Table[Join[Table[0,{j}], coeffs2,
>        Table[0,{l1-2-j}]], {j,0,l1-2}]]
> can be replaced by the more intelligible (to me)
>  Join[
>   NestList[RotateRight, PadRight[coeffs1, l1 + l2 - 2], l2 - 2],   
>   NestList[RotateRight, PadRight[coeffs2, l1 + l2 - 2], l1 - 2]
>  ]
> which is a direct implementation of the description at MathWorld.

I also thought the code looked a bit bulky but did not really have time 
to consider how best to recode it.

>>h44 = 256*(23625 + 126000*z^4 - 7200*z^8 + 3840*z^12 + 256*z^16);
>>q44 = 1528899609315374375625 + 6795109374734997225000*z^4 -
>>   560866170613047390000*z^8 + 153399294526645440000*z^12 +
>>   2734590598399296000*z^16 - 167891551278796800*z^20 +
>>   2948686820352000*z^24 - 40649991782400*z^28 +  277762867200*z^32 -
>>   920125440*z^36 + 1048576*z^40;
>>I'll normalize so largest coefficient is unity.
>>normPoly[poly_, var_] := Expand[poly /
>>   Max[Abs[CoefficientList[poly,var]]]]
>>p1 = normPoly[h44,z];
>>p2 = normPoly[q44,z];
> Perhaps Decompose will also be useful here, since both p1 are 
> polynomials in z^4 (which explains the observed 4-fold symmetry).

I had missed that. Yes, deflating might well be helpful in terms of 
improving stability of the various algorithms.

>>I'll use an epsilon of 10^(-3) as tolerance for what singular values to 
>>eps = 10^(-3);
>>We count the number of singular values that were zero.
>>nulls = Select[S,Max[Abs[#]]<eps&];
> What is S and where is sylmat defined? I assume that
>   sylmat = SylvesterMatrix[p1, p2, z]
>   S = SingularValueList[sylmat]

Clearly I was in too much of a rush. Yes, sylmat is the Sylvester 
matrix, and I used full SVD to get {U,S,V}. Sorry for the omission in 
the response. Also newS is a transformation of S to remove small 
singular values. Actually it was not needed. I first used it with 
default SingularValueDecomposition, then changed the latter to use 
Tolerance->eps which automates stripping the small values.

Below is the code in question. Again, it is a sort of agglomeration of 
tactics and some is not necessary.

sylmat = SylvesterMatrix[p1, p2, z];
eps = 10^(-3);

{U,S,V} = SingularValueDecomposition[N[sylmat], Tolerance->eps];

newS = S /. aa_/;Abs[aa]<eps :> 0;
nulls = Select[S,Max[Abs[#]]<eps&];
k = Length[sylmat] - Length[nulls]
newmat = Take[newS.Transpose[V], k];

I think newS is the same as S now, since I use Tolerance->eps. So 
probably this aspect of the code could be made more concise.

>>We now get the degree of our approximate gcd as below (for the epsilon 
>>we chose, it is 12).
>>k = Length[sylmat] - Length[nulls]
>>To form that gcd we'll row reduce a certain matrix and use the final row.
>>newmat = Take[newS.Transpose[V], k];
> What is newS?
>>coeffrow = Last[RowReduce[newmat]];
>>gcdapprox = coeffrow . z^Reverse[Range[0,Length[coeffrow]-1]]
>>So here is what I get.
>>In[150]:= InputForm[gcdapprox]
>>6.980499621431014 + 0.000585041745605589*z + 0.0035109293315991083*z^2 +
>>  0.002602929711965681*z^3 + 33.10928622044708*z^4 +
>>  0.0019204205746833373*z^5 + 0.01152459048089943*z^6 +
>>  0.008544087788492293*z^7 - 3.49084586854123*z^8 +
>>  0.00011025782928825875*z^9 + 0.0006624721373616564*z^10 +
>>  0.0004911544753497421*z^11 + z^12
>>I'll note that an epsilon of around 10^(-1) would have given a degree 16 
>>approx gcd (not equal to a scalar multiple of p1, though). One can get 
>>an idea of how close are the various roots by looking at them as below.
>>s1 = Sort[z /. NSolve[p1==0, z]];
>>s2 = Sort[z /. NSolve[p2==0, z]];
>>sg = Sort[z /. NSolve[gcdapprox==0, z]];
>>Playing tricks with Intersection and a comparison criterion might 
>>automate this process.
>>Note that there are other approaches to approximate univariate gcds 
>>using QR decomposition, remainder sequences, approximate factoring, and 
>>probably some others I am forgetting.
> Thanks for this -- all very useful and interesting.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Paul Abbott                                      Phone:  61 8 6488 2734
> School of Physics, M013                            Fax: +61 8 6488 1014
> The University of Western Australia         (CRICOS Provider No 00126G)    
> AUSTRALIA                     

Looks like I had several omissions and cross-purpose code hiccups. Sorry 
you (PA) had to be the proof reader. I saw in my other MathGroup post 
yesterday that I made a similar mistake there as well, in the sense that 
what I wrote did not accurately reflect the final version of code I used 
(that one was a relatively tame wording issue).

I just hope my bug fixing yesterday was more methodical.

Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

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