Re: question on Plot and Show plus Axis Labels:
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg72566] Re: question on Plot and Show plus Axis Labels:
- From: Gopinath Venkatesan <gopinathv at>
- Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 07:41:28 -0500 (EST)
Hello David Thanks for showing interest in my problem and for posting reply. Please see the below sample code. This sample is not related to my study, this is just to illustrate. \!\(\(x = Table[i, {i, 1, 15, 1}];\)\[IndentingNewLine] \(v = Table[Sin[\(Ï?\/15\) x[\([i]\)]], {i, 1, 15, 1}];\)\[IndentingNewLine] \(y[j_] := Cos[Ï?\/15\ x[\([j]\)]];\)\[IndentingNewLine] \(y1 = Table[y[j], {j, 1, 15, 1}];\)\[IndentingNewLine] \(y2 = Table[v[\([j]\)], {j, 1, 15, 1}];\)\[IndentingNewLine] p1 = ListPlot[Thread[y1, x], PlotJoined -> True]\[IndentingNewLine] p2 = ListPlot[Thread[y2, x], PlotJoined -> True]\[IndentingNewLine] Show[p1, p2]\) I could not use Plot for plotting a list of values of y1 and y2 for the x values. I tried using the below Plot command and got error, p1=Plot[y1,{x,1,15}] that y1 is not a machine readable value at x = 1.0000000+ meaning that Plot tries to do a smooth fit between these intervals. In my case, x value increments by integer value, say unit increase. For that discrete sets of x values, I have respective y values and for using ListPlot, I have to thread these x and y values. Thats why I am using Thread. If you can tell me how to use Plot function for plotting the values above, that will be great. Or please suggest otherways where I have to use the combinations of ListPlot, Show, and others to produce a multi-plot with a axes label rotated (y axis), use Plot Legends to work with Show (or an alternate to Plot Legend since it doesnt work with Show), and coloring them differently. I figured out how to color them differently - using RBCColor option. But still got stuck with the Legends and the rotate labels options. RotateLabel works fine with Frames. If I use Frames, will that solve other problems too. I am trying, but just in case, if you know the answer, please hint me. Thanks, Gopinath Venkatesan Graduate Student University of Oklahoma