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mathematica on linux

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72610] mathematica on linux
  • From: "Ranjan Grover" <ranjan.grover at>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 05:25:39 -0500 (EST)

I just finished installing Mathematica 5.2 on my linux box and I was
hoping that there would be some progress from version 5 which I
installed a couple of years ago. Sadly, the same problems with font
rendering, primitive user interface, rotated labels, and a lack of
features as compared to the Windows version persist.

Is there any plan of shifting to a QT/GTK based system in the next
What are people's experience with running the Windows version using
wine on Linux? I'm running while referencing a License server. Will
wine be able to communicate with the license server?

Please don't ignore us Linux users! Most clusters run on Linux, and a
lot of scientific software runs on Linux so dual booting is quite a
pain in the butt. Plus, with Windows Vista requiring 2 gajillion
dollars for a copy, buying windows is a bit out of reach now.

My wish list for Mathematica is as follows

QT/GTk based system -> This solves font rendering and most other issues
Mathematica deb package for Debian and Debian based systems -> Easy to
install / un-install

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