MathGroup Archive 2007

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Re: mathematica on linux

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72633] Re: mathematica on linux
  • From: Jon Harrop <jon at>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 04:01:49 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.
  • References: <eo7mlf$1nm$>

Ranjan Grover wrote:
> I just finished installing Mathematica 5.2 on my linux box and I was
> hoping that there would be some progress from version 5 which I
> installed a couple of years ago. Sadly, the same problems with font
> rendering, primitive user interface, rotated labels, and a lack of
> features as compared to the Windows version persist.

Yes. I upgraded my distro recently and Mathematica is now horribly
broken. :-(

> Is there any plan of shifting to a QT/GTK based system in the next
> version?

Given that Mathematica's GUI makes little use of the widget toolkit, I'd
recommend targetting OpenGL and WPF.

Presenta does this using a relatively small amount of code:

It is about 1,000x faster than Mathematica as a consequence...

> What are people's experience with running the Windows version using
> wine on Linux? I'm running while referencing a License server. Will
> wine be able to communicate with the license server?

I've never tried Mathematica under Wine. Isn't a Mathematica license single

> Please don't ignore us Linux users! Most clusters run on Linux, and a
> lot of scientific software runs on Linux so dual booting is quite a
> pain in the butt. Plus, with Windows Vista requiring 2 gajillion
> dollars for a copy, buying windows is a bit out of reach now.

Do some work for Microsoft and get a free copy. ;-)

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

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