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RE: how to quickly read a >10MB big file

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72820] RE: [mg72807] how to quickly read a >10MB big file
  • From: "David Annetts" <davidannetts at>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 05:29:25 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>


> Hello, Friends:
> It is a file which has nearly 100,000 data lines. The file size is
> >10MB. Using mathematica 5, it takes over 30 mins to read the 
> data in; but using fortran, it takes only several secs. Does 
> anyone has a good idea to read such a file quickly. Many 
> thanks for any help in advance!

How are you reading the file into Mathematica?  Read?  ReadList?  Import?
The MathGroup package FastBinary?  Are you reading the file, then processing
it, or processing it as you go?

All these factors will have a bearing on the speed that you can read your
data into Mathematica.  In addition, while Fortran can be quite a bit
quicker than Mathematica, are you sure it's a fair comparison between the

Please tell the list a bit more about how you're working.  Posting code and
a sample of the data you're working with will probably get quicker, more
appropriate answers than not.



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