MathGroup Archive 2007

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How it can be autoloaded an standard package using Mathematica link for EXCEL 3

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72857] How it can be autoloaded an standard package using Mathematica link for EXCEL 3
  • From: "Guillermo Sanchez" <guillermo.sanchez at>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 04:19:03 -0500 (EST)

How I can evaluate, using Math link for Excel 3, a function from a
Mathematica  package every time that  I open the excel file?.

For instance: In an Excel worksheet I have:  1., 2., 3., cells
A1:A4 and 2 in cell A5. Then, using the fM icon I load the package
DescriptiveStatistic and I write  +EVAL("CentralMoment", A1:A4, A5)
obtaining the second order moment for {1., 2., 3., 4.}. It works.
However if I save and close the excel file when I open again this file
the function +EVAL("CentralMoment", A1:A4, A5]) does not work. I need
repead all the process, loading again DescriptiveStatistic. In version
2 the package it autoloaded when the Mathematica link was established.

 Any help!


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