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Re: Why does this happen?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78701] Re: Why does this happen?
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
  • Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 06:03:12 -0400 (EDT)

On 7/6/07 at 3:31 AM, yaomengliang at (Budaoy) wrote:

>I have a problem in calculating this integral shown below:

>Integrate[Log[1+Exp[x]/Sqrt[x]],{x,0,Infinity}] Pi^2/6

>N[%] 1.64493

>NIntegrate[Log[1+Exp[x]/Sqrt[x]],{x,0,Infinity}] 1.01799

>Where does this difference come from and which one is correct?

Neither of these can be correct. The integrand is clearly
unbounded as x increases to infinity. That is Exp[x]/Sqrt[x] is
clearly a positive real for x > 0 and an exponential grows
faster than a square root.

You didn't say what version of Mathematica you were using. I
assume it is not version 6 since on my machine doing either
NIntegrate or Integrate with this integrand generates an error
message stating the integral does not converge on the specified
integration interval.
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