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Re: a special type of strings!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78744] Re: a special type of strings!
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 06:12:36 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f6npb1$6r1$>

mumat schrieb:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have an alphabet A= {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}. letters in A are grouped as
> follows:
> group1: G1={a}
> group2:G2={b,c},
> group3:G3={d,e,f},
> group4: G4={g,h}.
> In other words, we have {{a},{b,c},{d,e,f},{g,h}} as an ordered
> partition of A.
> We say the string \alpha=s_1,s_2,s_3,...,s_n  to be NORMAL
> if and only if
> for every i,j: ( if s_i  is in  Gj  then, (s_(i+1) is in Gj or s_(i+1)
> is in G(j-1)   ) OR   (s_i is in G1).
> For instance the following three sequences are normal:
> Seq1: d,b,a,g,e,f,c,a,e
> Seq2: a,d,b,a,b,e,c,a,h.
> Seq3: g,g,h,d,f,d,b,c.
> I need to write a code to determine weather a given sequence is
> Normal:
> NormalQ[seq_]:=....
> and also generating all normal sequences of a particular length k:
> AllNormalSequences[k].
> Any help would be greately appreciated.
> best regards,
> chekad sarami


I'm afraid, your second example is not a normal sequence ("e" must  not
follow "b").

I used the pattern matching capabilities of Mathematica, to generate all
normal sequences.

The function succ takes a (possibly empty) sequence and an ordered
partition and gives a list of letters which may extend the sequence given.

succ[{___, letter_} | {}, ordpart : {{___, letter_, ___}, ___}] :=
    Join @@ ordpart;
succ[{___, letter_}, {___, s1 : {__}, s2 : {___, letter_, ___}, ___}] :=
    Join[s1, s2];

The function successor just takes the letters found by "succ" and builds
all possible extensions of "seq":

successors[seq_, ordpart_] := Flatten[{seq, #}] & /@ succ[seq, ordpart];

To get all normal sequences of length k, take the function "successor"
and iterate it k times, starting with the list with the empty sequence
as element:

AllNormalSequences[k_, ordpart_] :=
  Nest[Flatten[successors[#, ordpart] & /@ #, 1] &, {{}}, k]

To test whether a given sequence is normal, I get the index of the
corresponding Gi for each element. Building the difference of subsequent
indices, the result has to be 0 or 1 OR the index is 1 (before building
the differences:


the ordered partition and your examples (I extended the third one to get
nine elements):

op = {{a}, {b, c}, {d, e, f}, {g, h}};
threeSeqs =
 {{d, b, a, g, e, f, c, a, e},
  {a, d, b, a, b, e, c, a, h},
  {g, g, h, d, f, d, b, c, c}};

How many normal sequences of length 9 exist?

Timing[Length[all9 = AllNormalSequences[9, op]]]

    {14.4609*Second, 1542156}

How do they look like?

((Print["Sequences ", #1" to ", #2, ": "] & ) @@ #1; Take[all9, #1]) & [
     Random[Integer, {1, Length[all9] - 2}] + {0, 2}]

    Sequences 777023 to 777025:

    {{d, f, f, d, c, a, a, e, f},
     {d, f, f, d, c, a, a, f, b},
     {d, f, f, d, c, a, a, f, c}}

Are your examples in the large set?

Timing[MemberQ[all9, #1]& /@ threeSeqs]

    {0.408026*Second, {True, False, True}}

oops ;-)

And of course it is much faster to test a sequence, than to look for it
in a big list:

Timing[NormalSequenceQ[#1, op]& /@ threeSeqs]

    {0.*Second, {True, False, True}}


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