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Re: something funny

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78738] Re: something funny
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 06:09:29 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>

On 7 Jul 2007, at 04:18, dimitris anagnostou wrote:

> The version is 5.2.
> Say
> In[125]:=
> o = 1/(2*e^z - e^z)
> Out[125]=
> e^(-z)
> Then
> In[126]:=
> o = (1/(2*e^z - e^z) /. e -> #1 & ) /@ Range[2, 10]
> Out[126]=
> {2^(-z), 3^(-z), 4^(-z), 5^(-z), 6^(-z), 7^(-z), 8^(-z), 9^(-z), 10^(-
> z)}
> However,
> In[128]:=
> FullSimplify[(1/(2*#1^z - #1^z) & ) /@ Range[10]]
> Out[128]=
> {1, 2^(-z), 3^(-z), 1/(2^(1 + 2*z) - 4^z), 5^(-z), 1/(2^(1 + z)*3^z -
> 6^z), 7^(-z), 1/(2^(1 + 3*z) - 8^z), 9^(-z),
>   1/(2^(1 + z)*5^z - 10^z)}
> No matter what I tried I could not simplify the expressions with even
> base of z above.
> Any ideas?
> My query becomes bigger considering that as I was informed even in
> version 6 we get
> FullSimplify[(1/(2*#1^z - #1^z) & ) /@ Range[10]]
> {1, 2^(-z), 3^(-z), 4^(-z), 5^(-z), 1/(2^(1 + z)*3^z - 6^z),
> 7^(-z), 8^(-z), 9^(-z), 1/(2^(1 + z)*5^z - 10^z)}
> What it is so exotic I can't figure out. It is so trivial!

It is quite easy to see why this happens. Consider simply:

2^(z + 1) 3^z

This automatic grouping is performed at the Evaluator level. This  
combined with the fact that the Evaluator automatically transforms


is the reason why FullSimplify cannot simplify this expression:

FullSimplify[2*6^z - 6^z]
2^(z + 1)*3^z - 6^z

Automatic evaluation prevents the first summand form being converted  
to 2*6^z  and the second summand to 2^z*3^z, both of which would lead  
to the desired simplification.

What happened is that the first term was transformed before the  
evaluator noticed that it is twice the second term, and now it is too  
late. On the other hand these have no problem:

  2*5^z - 5^z

2*15^z - 15^z

In the first case there was just one factor (5 is prime), in the  
second case there are 2 (15=5*3) but none of them is 2, so not  
problematic grouping takes place. An interesting case is:

2*8^z - 8^z
2^(3*z + 1) - 8^z

but this time this can be dealt with by FullSimplify because both  
summands are powers of the same number (2):


All this seems trivial to humans but is by no means so to computer  

This and a few other similar problems in Mathematica are caused by  
simplifications performed automatically by the evaluator. Such  
transformations cannot be undone by Simplify - or rather, they can be  
"undone" but the evaluator immediately applies them again. I believe  
the reason why the Mathematica evaluator performs such automatic  
simplifications must be to do with performance. I think "evaluation"  
is very much faster than "Simplification" so  making the Evaluator do  
more has a positive effect on Mathematica's performance (I have not  
ever tried testing this but I am almost sure). Other programs use a  
different approach - and in this particular case if a program does  
not perform this particular automatic transformation it will not fall  
into this "trap". But I would expect the overall performance of such  
"lazy" evaluators to be worse than that of Mathematica.

Now, what can be done about this? There are several tricks one could  
try. One could try to use suitable transformations with HoldForm,  
that would put everything into some suitable form, but it seems  
simpler to use something like this:

f[expr_, z_] :=
  Block[{w}, PowerExpand[FullSimplify[expr /. z -> Log[w]] /. w -> Exp 

Here we temporarily replace the exponent z by Log[w], FullSimplify,  
then replace w by Exp[z] and PowerExpand. The use of PowerExpand  
should not normally cause trouble in cases like the above one (where  
we already know that the transformation we want to perform is valid  
for all z). With this f we get:

f[2*6^z - 6^z, z]

f[2*10^z - 10^z, z]


Andrzej Kozlowski

> In[140]:=
> FullSimplify[1/(2^(1 + 2*z) - 4^z) == 1/(2*4^z - 4^z)]
> Out[140]=
> True
> In another CAS I took
> convert("(1/(2*#1^z - #1^z) & ) /@ Range[10]",FromMma);value(%);
>                          1
>             map(unapply(----, _Z1), [seq(i, i = 1 .. 10)])
>                            z
>                         _Z1
>             1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
>        [1, ----, ----, ----, ----, ----, ----, ----, ----, ---]
>              z     z     z     z     z     z     z     z     z
>             2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
> Dimitris
> Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos  
> new Car Finder tool.

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