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Re: ideas please!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78896] Re: [mg78850] ideas please!
  • From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 05:18:23 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <8944432.1184150461432.JavaMail.root@m35>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

There's a branch cut of Log where its argument crosses the x-axis:

imLogArg =
   Im[logArg =
      1 - (\[ImaginaryI] + z)/((-(1/3) + \[ImaginaryI]) +
        1/6 (1 + \[ImaginaryI] Sqrt[3]) (1/2 (29 - 3 Sqrt[93]))^(
         1/3) + (1 - \[ImaginaryI] Sqrt[3])/(
        3 2^(2/3) (29 - 3 Sqrt[93])^(1/3)))] // ComplexExpand;
soln = Solve[imLogArg == 0, z];
z /. First@soln // Simplify

(2 2^(1/3) + (58 - 6 Sqrt[93])^(2/3) -
  4 (29 - 3 Sqrt[93])^(1/3))/(-2 2^(1/3) Sqrt[3] +
  Sqrt[3] (58 - 6 Sqrt[93])^(2/3) + 12 (29 - 3 Sqrt[93])^(1/3))


and this is Log's argument at that point:

logArg // ComplexExpand;
% /. soln // Simplify
% // N

{(2^(1/3) Sqrt[
   3] (-2 + 2^(1/3) (29 - 3 Sqrt[93])^(2/3)))/(-2 2^(1/3) Sqrt[3] +
   Sqrt[3] (58 - 6 Sqrt[93])^(2/3) + 12 (29 - 3 Sqrt[93])^(1/3))}


{1.34038+ 3.14159 \[ImaginaryI]}

Here are the approximate values left and right of the jump:

Log[logArg] /. z -> jump - .00001
Log[logArg] /. z -> jump + .00001

1.34037- 3.14159 \[ImaginaryI]

1.34038+ 3.14159 \[ImaginaryI]

The imaginary parts are +/- Pi I.

       1 - (I +
           z)/((-(1/3) +
             I) + (1/6)*(1 +
              I*Sqrt[3])*((1/2)*(29 - 3*Sqrt[93]))^(1/3) + (1 -
              I*Sqrt[3])/(3*2^(2/3)*(29 - 3*Sqrt[93])^(1/3)))]], {z,
      1.1, 1.2}, PlotRange -> All] &) /@ {Re, Im}


On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 05:09:16 -0500, dimitris <dimmechan at> wrote=

> Hello.
> In[201]:=
> (Plot[#1[Log[1 - (I + z)/((-(1/3) + I) + (1/6)*(1 +
> I*Sqrt[3])*((1/2)*(29 - 3*Sqrt[93]))^(1/3) +
>          (1 - I*Sqrt[3])/(3*2^(2/3)*(29 - 3*Sqrt[93])^(1/3)))]], {z,
> 0, 5}] & ) /@ {Re, Im};
> As it is clear from the graph the Imaginary part has a jump
> discontinuity somewhere near z=1.
> Can somebody point me out a way to detect exactly its position?
> No matter what I have tried I had no success.
> Dimitris

-- =

DrMajorBob at

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