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Re: ideas please!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78877] Re: ideas please!
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 05:08:19 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f72b1b$8cj$>

Hi Dimitris,

no, the imaginary part does not have a discontinuity. Log is a 

multivalued function: Log[Abs[x]]+I Arg[x]+I  n 2 Pi  and Mathematica has to 

choose a value (principal value). It does this by choosing the value 

(branch) which has an imaginary part  between -Pi and Pi. Therefore, the 

"jump" happens where the function argument of Log is negative real, 

where its imaginary part is zero. Further, you want the positive 


t= function argument of Log;

Reduce[{Im[t] == 0, z > 0}, z]

this gives y root object. If you want y machine number, use N.

hope this helps, Daniel

dimitris wrote:

> Hello.


> In[201]:=

> (Plot[#1[Log[1 - (I + z)/((-(1/3) + I) + (1/6)*(1 +

> I*Sqrt[3])*((1/2)*(29 - 3*Sqrt[93]))^(1/3) +

>          (1 - I*Sqrt[3])/(3*2^(2/3)*(29 - 3*Sqrt[93])^(1/3)))]], {z,

> 0, 5}] & ) /@ {Re, Im};


> As it is clear from the graph the Imaginary part has a jump

> discontinuity somewhere near z=1.

> Can somebody point me out a way to detect exactly its position?

> No matter what I have tried I had no success.


> Dimitris



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